
Govt fails to stop SABL land grab

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Australian Advisor revealed to be behind Bougainville President's attack on Jubilee Australia Report

Bougainville President John Momis has been very persistent and vocal in attacking the NGO Jubilee Australia, over a report that gives a voice to the marginalized group of people of the Panguna area. Momis attacks have characterized Jubilee Australia as an "interfering outsider". How ironic that it is now being revealed that Momis's virulent attacks were written for him by an Australian 'Advisor' who is paid by and regularly briefs the Australian Government…

Source: PNG Mine Watch

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NZ: Seabed fight now for legal fees

Source: Taranaki Daily News 

Anti-seabed mining campaigners and a South Taranaki iwi say a decision to finally scuttle a massive ironsand mining operation is a "victory for common sense".

Last week, Trans-Tasman Resources (TTR) dropped its attempt to reverse the Environmental Protection Authority's decision to decline consent to extract 50 million tonnes of sediment per year, across 65.76 square kilometres.

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PM gives third of Ok Tedi to Western Province

A recent protest by landowners in Western Province

Source: Radio New Zealand

The Papua New Guinea prime minister, Peter O'Neill, says the people of Western Province are to be given one third ownership in Ok Tedi Mine Ltd.

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Alternatives to mining: A chocolate revolution on Bougainville

A small New Zealand business is demonstrating how Bougainville can have a future without a return to large-scale mining and the reimposition of colonial-style dependence on foreign powers like Rio Tinto... (Mine Watch)

Source: PNG Mine Watch

The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

A voyage to make a unique artisan chocolate bar and a better tasting world. This is the new chocolate revolution.

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O'Neill's illegal logging: 536 days and counting....

Source: PNG Exposed Blog

It is now 536 days since Prime Minister Peter O’Neill was told that the SABL leases were unlawful and should be revoked.

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PNG PM Peter O'Neill imas stretim SABL promis

Picture: Ol bagarap em logging i kamapim long PNG 

Source: Radio Australia

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Momis fumes over O'Neill's Panguna promises : STAY OUT

Source: The National

The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has warned the O'Neill Government against controlling mining on Bougainville. President John Momis (Pictured) said the idea of the National Government anywhere else in Bougainville was "completely unacceptable". Momis said in a letter to the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill that Bougainvilleans were determined to control their mining interests through the ABG.

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Budget Promising for Health Care 2015

Source: Special Correspondent

The National Government tabled a deficit budget of K2.3 billion for 2015 marking a massive budget rollout, with an expected prosperous economic growth of 15 % percent next year, adding to a predicted surplus budget to carry thorugh to 2018.

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How Australia, the US and Britain helped block Bougainville's class action against Rio Tinto

Internal government records obtained through Freedom of Information reveal the significant lengths to which the Australian, British and US states went to stop a Bougainvillean class action against Rio Tinto, allegedly with support from the Papua New Guinea and Bougainville governments.

Source: PNG Mine Watch

International State Crime Initiative

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