Stopping Forest Crime

The forest industry in Papua New Guinea is beset with corruption, political interference, and widespread illegal practices including logging licences issued or extended in breach of the law, failure to obtain proper consent from traditional landowners, substantial breaches of harvesting regulations, and the abuse of forest clearance permits for commercial agricultural projects. The timber industry is assessed as being a high-risk sector for money laundering.

Forest Crime


Forest Crime

The logging industry in PNG is beset with corruption and political interference with widespread illegal practices and human rights abuses across the sector.

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FCA licence abuse

Bogus agriculture proposals are being unlawfully used to obtain Forest Clearing Authorities as a cover for large-scale selective logging operations

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Illegal logging

There is a very high risk that almost all logging occurring in natural forest areas in Papua New Guinea is illegal

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AML and tax evasion

The forest industry has been designated a high risk for money laundering and there is rampant tax evasion

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Campaign Updates

Bewani clans from West Sepik seek palm oil probe
Action is needed on illegal logging in PNG
Time to investigate role of forestry officials in laundering illegal timber
Is the Loani FCA another bogus agriculture project?