Stop the Stealing

Corruption is a huge problem in PNG. Up to 50% of the government's annual budget is stolen while ordinary people can't access even basic services.
The health and education facilities that do exist are extremely run down and transport infrastructure is crumbling while a small elite of politicians and bureaucrats live in extravagant comfort.
ACT NOW! is campaigning for a new anti-corruption body and implementation of previous inquiry findings.

Stop the Stealing


Endemic corruption

Corruption in PNG is systemic and systematic and involves both politicians and public servants. Up to 50% of the government's annual budget is stolen each year.

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Costs of Corruption

Corruption drains the public purse of vitally needed funding for quality health, education and other government services, but its impacts are felt even more widely.

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Policy Proposals

Twenty-two measures to make government more transparent and accountable

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PNG sorely needs a dedicated anti-corruption agency so ACT NOW! is campaigning for an Independent Commission Against Corruption to be set up.

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Campaign Updates

Lack of District Plans undermining essential local services
DDA Watch website featured in the Wantok niuspepa
Abuse of FCA : Illegal logging scandal unfolds on Woodlark Island
Forestry laws insufficient to combat forest crime