The DDA Watch Report: June 2024
Report by ACT NOW! on the performance of District Development Authorities based on an analysis of the data published on the DDA Watch website from June 2023 - June 2024. The report reveals widespread failures in transparency, governance, and financial accountability among all 93 DDAs. DDA Watch is an independent, politically neutral platform developed by ACT NOW! to provide the public with information on their local DDA and access to critical documents.
Where's the Beef? The Wasu ‘Cattle Farm’ Project
The third in a series of investigative reports into the abuse of Forest Clearance Authorities This case study looks at the Wasu Cattle Farm project in Morobe Province and raises serious questions about the project’s legality.
Illegal Logging and the Criminal Law Context in Papua New Guinea
Written by Dr Hannah Harris from Macquarie University in Australia, the report examines how novel criminal law tools can be used to combat illegal logging and forest crime in PNG and the wider Asia Pacific region and how laws designed to target economic crimes (money-laundering, corruption, tax evasion) can also be leveraged in the fight against environmental crimes.
Timber Legality Risk Assessment - Chinese version
Chinese translation of ACT NOW's Timber Legality Risk Assessment, 2023. The assessment finds there is a very high risk that almost all logging taking place in natural forest areas in Papua New Guinea is illegal. The assessment is based on a comprehensive review of all the available literature, including the reports of official government inquiries, court cases, international organisations and civil society groups.
Risk Alert - Giant Kingdom Group
Anti-Money Laundering Risk Alert documents the body of evidence linking Malaysian logging conglomerate, Giant Kingdom Group, to forestry crime in Papua New Guinea. The report also documents a significant number of financial and designated non-financial businesses and professions in Malaysia which have significant exposure to the group.
A New Forest Grab: The Mengen Integrated Agriculture Project
The second in a series of investigative reports into the misuse of Forest Clearing Authorities as a cover for a large-scale selective logging operations. This case study looks at the Mengen FCA in East New Britain Province.
Timber Legality Risk Assessment, 2023
The Timber Legality Risk Assessment finds a very high risk that almost all logging taking place in natural forest areas in Papua New Guinea is illegal.
The assessment is based on a comprehensive review of all the available literature, including the reports of official government inquiries, court cases, international organisations and civil society groups.
Ten Years Without A Crop: The Wammy Rural Development Project
Investigative report into the Wammy Agriculture Project reveals how false promises of oil palm and rubber planting were used to obtain a Forest Clearing Authority (FCA) which has instead been used as a cover for a large-scale selective logging operation.
Lending to the Loggers: How the non-bank sector is financing forest destruction
Report on the non-bank lenders providing finance to the logging industry in Papua New Guinea.
Critical Analysis of Carbon Trading
Carbon trading is just one part of an international move to put a price on nature and make it part of the global economy. Unfortunately this will do nothing to slow global warning and represents yet another attempt by corporations to greenwash their image while continuing to destroy the planet.