
PNG imas stop long salim ol round logs

More and more support and outcry for the Papua New Guinea Government to stop the illegal logging of local trees that is pumping  profits to foreign companies....

Source: ABC Radio Australia

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Heavy logging continues in Turubu despite court victory

Source: "Red Soil"

The foreign logging company deemed illegal by the National court is still heavily logging down kwila trees and leaving the land barren in Turubu, East Sepik Province. Despite being called out by the court to stop the illegal logging on portion 144C, these Asian thieves have resorted to other ways to continue stealing the kwila trees behind the back of the laws of this land.

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Some Thoughts on Rethinking PNGs Foreign Policy on West Papua

Picture: West Papua and New Guinea flag map

Source: Masalai Blog

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An Open Letter to His Excellency Mr. Peter O’Neil, Prime Minster of Papua New Guinea

Source: PNG Blogs

An Open Letter to His Excellency Mr. Peter O’Neil, Prime Minster of Papua New Guinea

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Demand Freedom for West Papua

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East Sepik Carvers not happy with SABL Land Theft

Picture: A cultural carving from East Sepik, Papua New Guinea

Source: "Red Soil"

Carvers of the East Sepik Province are greatly very saddened and disgusted to learn of the PNG Government’s facilitation of the theft of 5 million hectares of land, under the Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL) scam.

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PNG govt. ordered to stop interfering in SDP

Source: Radio New Zealand

The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes has ordered Papua New Guinea's government to stop interfering in the management of PNG Sustainable Development Program.

The dispute arose in late 2013 when the Peter O'Neill-led government moved to assume complete control of the 63 percent share of the lucrative Ok Tedi mine that SDP had held until then.

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Solomon Islands PM embraces crooked Chinese company based in PNG

Picture: Prime Minister Sogavara and China Habour GM in Honiara

Source: PNG MIne Watch

A crooked Chinese company based in PNG is reaching out to the Solomon Islands government in search of new contracts. The General Manager of China Harbour Engineering Company recently met with the Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare - see news report below.

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Damning Oro forest report released

Source: Post Courier

A government report on logging operations in the Yema Local Forest Area (LFA) in Ioma sub-district, Northern Province, has highlighted shortcomings in the implementation of forestry, environment, water resources and logging practices.

Although preliminary, the report said there were indisputable and undeniable evidence of inconsistency and negligence in the management of the Yema forest project.

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Criticism on Jubilee Report only adds more credibility.

Source: Special Bougainville Correspondent

Nikanna Kaansi

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