
Torokina oil palm disputed by Bougainville landowners

Source: PNG Exposed

On the 15th of January the Post-Courier reported it is full steam ahead for the controversial Torokina Oil Palm plantation on Bougainville. But now evidence has emerged that the necessary landowner permissions have not been obtained and local people are not happy.

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5 million hectares is dead serious!

Source: "Red Soil"

The Land Theft of more than 5 million hectares of Papua New Guinea is a huge deal overseas, but not in Papua New Guinea. It’s funny how foreigners walk into the country with that knowledge at the back of their minds but upon spending some time realize, no one’s serious, as seriousness should have gotten.

A young Papua New Guinea girl holding a poster: Land is Life. 

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New study finds humans on the verge of wiping out sea life

Source: Ian Lang, National Monitor

The rate of human destruction is on the rise, but scientists say it’s not too late.

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Carbon Black: A conspiracy thriller about REDD in Papua New Guinea

Source: The ecologist

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What Jesus would do about ESM

Source: 'Red-Soil'

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Humans are damaging the High Seas - Now the Oceans are doing harm back

Source: The Economist via Business Insider

A woman sorts through fresh fish on the dock after it was unloaded from a boat in Muara Angke port in north Jakarta.

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Momis' rare visit to Panguna

Source: Special Bougainville Corresponent

Ning Ani Osi onomai-kabumani noruampa nannie.

Ning ani ningkaningko nonomanani.

Miningko piamoa onomananie

Piarunani ning onomai.

I am this woman I live in the village. I do not know the government, what it does.

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Momis bows down to Rio Tinto

Look at the media release below, posted on 12 January 2015 on Bougainville News, and the speech given on 20th May 2014 by Bougainville President, John Momis..

Source: Bougainville Freedom Movement

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NGO Group Calls On PNG Government Not To Turn Blind Eye On West Papua

Picture: West Papuans are often faced with inhuman treatment from Indonesian authorities. Photo courtesy of West Papua Campaign

Source: Papua New Guinea Today

The Papua New Guinea NGO Group, People’s Power Movement (PPM) is concerned as to why the PNG Government is turning a blind eye to issues affecting our fellow Melanesian brothers and sisters in West Papua.

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Special agriculture lease still a thorny issue

 'Passing the buck' like everyone else again. fact remains that the PNG Forest Authority is the government body mandated to issue all FCA's and not the Lands Department. Thus, the PNGFA should see it as thier responsibility to cancel any FCA's that have been issued to illegal SABL(s).

SABL(s) have been deemed illegal but why is it that logging is continuing? Is it becuase the FCA's are still valid?

Source: The National

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