
PNG Treasurer and SABL defender has long history of support for illegal logging

With people like Patrick Pruaitch in senior positions in government will we ever see effective action to undo the SABL land grab and stop the illegal logging?

Picture: Treasury Minister, Patrick Pruaitch (PNG Exposed Blog)

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PNG na ENB Gavman ino kia tumas long pipal

Wanpla papa graon itok tupla gavman i sapotim tumas ol foran logging kampani em oli wok aninit long SABL

Source: ABC Radio Australia

Logging long Papua New Guinea (Credit: Audience Submitted) 

Papua New Guinea gavman na East New Britain provincial gavman isave halvim tumas ol logging kampani na ino care tumas long ol liklik pipal.

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NGO backs United Nations call for moratorium on new mining activity in PNG



10 December 2014

Community activist group ACT NOW! is supporting a call from the United Nations for a moratorium on new mining activities in Papua New Guinea but says the analysis and policy changes recommended by the global body do not go far enough.

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United West Papua movement 'significant', says Wenda

Source: Radio New Zealand News

A spokesperson for the newly-formed United Liberation Movement for West Papua, Benny Wenda, says its creation is one of the West Papua independence movement's most significant steps in dealing with Indonesia.


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Court orders extension to ban on Rimbunan Hijau logging in Pomio

The National Court sitting in Kimbe has ordered an extension to the ban on any forest related activities by logging giant Rimbunan Hijau in its contested SABL lease areas in the Pomio District of East New Britain.

The extension was ordered at a hearing on Monday. The original orders were granted on November 16 - as reported below. The matter will return to court later this month.

Source: PNG Exposed

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UN calls for halt to new mines in PNG until better policies and practices put in place


"... better strategies need to be in place to take the significant wealth generated by extractives industries and translate this into meaningful human development for citizens across the country".

United Nations calls for responsible foreign investment

Source: PNG Mine Watch via the Masalai blog

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PNG agriculture plea for government support

While the PM and senior public servants shop in luxury at Sydney mining conference the neglected agriculture sector pleads for support (PNG Mine Watch)

Fresh produce at market, Papua New Guinea. Photo: RNZI / Johnny Blades

Source: Radio New Zealand

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PNG still viewed as being "highly corrupt"

Picture: Pak Tech Pro

Source: Emtv

Papua New Guinea’s public sector is still classified as “HIGHLY CORRUPT” under Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.

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Illegal Logging Wreaking Havoc on Impoverished Rural Communities

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Group Slams Conference


Source: The Post Courier

THE Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) has branded PNG’s 13th Mining and Petroleum Conference happening in Sydney this week as an exercise in encouraging investment in destruction.

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