
Governor, landowners of PNG rainforests feel unrepresented at summit

Source: Radio Australia

Several Papua New Guineans who travelled to Australia for the Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit say little attention was paid to PNG or the Pacific.

The Summit is billed as a get-together of ministers from forest nations, donor countries, corporate leaders and NGOs with a focus on practical action to reduce forest loss.

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People and forests of Papua New Guinea under threat: the government’s failed response to the largest land grab in modern history

Despite public statements to the contrary, the PNG government is failing to take meaningful action to address the SABL crisis that is harming its people and environment…

Source: Global Witness via PNGExposed


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Money vs. moral conscience and the future of Panguna

By Nikana Kansi

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G20 corruption rules could affect Pacific bureaucrats

Source: Radio Australia

Australia nailed for its role in money laundering as well as discusses possibility of stopping PNG politicians / bureaucrats from travelling if under suspicion...

Politicians and bureaucrats from Pacific nations who are even suspected of corruption could be denied entry in to Australia as part of new rules being looked at by the G20 summit in Brisbane.

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Rainforest Summit must address land grabbing and illegal logging in Papua New Guinea: ACT NOW!

The Asia Pacific Rainforest Summit being hosted this week by the Australian Government, must address the serious problems of land grabbing and illegal logging in Papua New Guinea and the rampant corruption that underpins them, says community activist group, ACT NOW!

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Pouru faces abuse charges

Managing director of PNG Forest Authority Kanawi Pouru is being sued for abuse of power

Source: Post Courier

A very senior public servant appeared for mention at the Waigani District Court yesterday for abuse of powers in office. Managing director of the PNG Forest Authority Kanawi Pouru was arested and charged last Friday for facilitating and allegedly issuing an operating licence to a controversial logging company late last month.

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Candidates gear up ahead of ABG presidential elections 2015

By Tupukas Aunge

The ABG elections are approaching in June of 2015, in the Autonomous Region preparations are going well ahead by those in power and those intending. Here are some early premonitions of what to expect come June 2015.

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Multi-agency report confirms police working for Rimbunan Hijau brutalize communities in SABL areas

Source: PNG Exposed

An Independent Fact Finding Mission undertaken by a joint team of government officials and civil society organisations, has confirmed allegations of ‘continuous brutality and human rights violations’ by police personnel operating on behalf of Rimbunan Hijau inside two Special Agriculture and Business Lease areas in the East New Britain Province of Papua New Guinea.

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Free Trade threatens custom land in the Pacific


Source: The Post Courier

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Australia hosting Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit this week as part of our commitment to action on the region's rainforests

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