
Forest Minister needs to back up words with action on SABL logging

Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa needs to ensure all logging in SABL areas is immediately stopped says community activist group, ACT NOW!

This follows assurances from the Minister that 74 Special Agriculture and Business Lease that were illegally obtained have been revoked and customary landowners would retain their land.

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The great land grab: India's war on farmers Land is a valuable asset that should be used to better humanity through farming and

Picture: In India, the state forcibly acquires land from farmers and hands it over to private speculators, real estate corporations, mining companies and leisure industries [EPA]

Source: Al Jazeera

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Rainforest Summit more 'hot air' than progress, environmentalists say

Picture: A view of rainforest covered islands in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. THOMSON REUTERS FOUNDATION/Catherine Wilson

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

An international summit aimed at stemming rapid deforestation in the Asia Pacific region has fallen short of expectations, according to environmental experts and Pacific Islanders who sought significant actions to combat both climate change and corruption associated with illegal logging.

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Court orders halt to RH logging operations in controversial Pomio SABL areas

The National Court has issued a restraining order stopping any forest logging operations by Rimbunan Hijau in two controversial Special Agriculture and Business Lease areas in the Pomio district of East New Britain.

The orders have been obtained by landowners from Portions 196C and 197C who claim the SABLs were obtained by fraud and forgery and without their consent and without following the proper processes under the Lands Act. 

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Lands Dept still issuing fake titles: Parkop

Dept confounding land grab problem


LAND titles continue to be fraudulently issued to businesses and private individuals in the National Capital District, says Governor Powes Parkop.

At a media conference yesterday, he said these titles would not be recognised by the National Capital District Commission, thereby denying the land basic council services like water, sewerage and associated infrastructure services.

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Australia happy for proceeds from corruption in PNG to be parked in its backyard

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In Defence of Land in Melanesia: AidWatch Speaking Tour Sydney-Brisbane-Melborne


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World Bank admits increasing violence is consequence of rapid economic growth

Picture: The Australian 

Good to see the World Bank admit increasing levels of violence are a consequence of rapid economic growth (which they have promoted incidently!). This is yet another indication that our current model of develpment has serious negative consequences for most of us while it is only our elite and foreigners who see the benefits...

Source: Islands Business

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Street protest highlights Australia's shortcomings on rainforests

The Bob Brown Foundation and the Australian Forests and Climate Alliance (AFCA) today held a demonstration outside the Asia Pacific Rainforest Summit. Lorraine Bower from AFCA said that while the groups welcome the Summit on protecting rainforests taking place at a regional level, it is disappointed in the Australian government’s performance in protecting rainforests at home and in our region.

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Getting the message out at the Rainforest Summit, Sydney 2014

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