
Call for Australia to act over illegal PNG logging

Picture: Eddie Paine Tanago, ACTNOW and Paul Pavol, Land owner, Pomio

Source: Radio New Zealand

A Papua New Guinea NGO is accusing Australia of being the largest beneficiary of illegal logging and exploitation of PNG's rainforests.

Act Now's comments come as Australia prepares to host an Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit in Sydney this week.

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Australia the largest single beneficiary from PNG rainforest destruction

Australia is the largest single beneficiary of rampant and unsustainable logging and land grabbing in Papua New Guinea, according to leading community activist group, ACT NOW!

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Rimbunan Hijau must come clean on their role in Oro politics


Source: PNG Exposed

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World Bank rankings fail the needs of the Pacific - Pacific NGO

Picture: PANG Coordinator Maureen Penjueli

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Shamed By Concerned Citizens From Other Countries

Source: PNG Blogs

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Juffa: Arrest culprits (including Arore & Gore)

Source: Post Courier 

ORO Governor Gary Juffa has appealed to police to arrest and charge those who broke into the provincial assembly building last week in Popondetta.

A formal complaint has been laid with the police and only the accomplices of self-proclaimed governor David Arore have been arrested, said the Regional MP as the political crisis in his province entered its second week.

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A message for the PNG government: Keep calm and stop experimental seabad mining


Source: PNG Mine Watch

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Massive Protests in Porgera over violation to MOA agreement with landowners

Source: PNG Mine Watch

On October 28, 2014, hundreds of Porgerans marched onto Barrick Gold’s Porgera mine site to demand benefits that rightfully belong to the Porgera Special Mining Lease (SML) Landowners.

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Why is PNGFA on SABLs ?

Source: Post Courier

Letter of the Day

SABL stands for Special Purpose Agriculture Business Lease.

The acronym SABL speaks for itself.

Any educated person would reason, without having any prior knowledge of the concept, that such a lease has something to do with agriculture, and not forestry.

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Statement on Oro by Leo Dion




As the Minister responsible for Provincial Governments and Local-level Government matters, I am concern about the events and a purported vote of no confidence against Hon. Garry Juffa MP, Governor for Oro Province by disgruntled faction of the Provincial Assembly Members.

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