
West Papua celebrations first national day


Source: EMTV news

The West Papuan students from the University of Papua New Guinea have successfully celebrated the first West Papua National Day in Port Moresby so Saturday.

The West Papuan students from the University of Papua New Guinea have successfully celebrated the first West Papua National Day in Port Moresby so Saturday.

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Indonesia bans West Papua rallies for imprisoned journalists, 29 arrested

Picture: French journalist Thomas Dandois, who has been held in prison since August 6. Image: Reporters Sans Frontieres

Source: Pacific Scoop

The Indonesian government has banned West Papuan activist groups from holding a rally in West Papuato demand that French journalists Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat be released by the Indonesian authorities.

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Uncertain Futures: What does Sime Darby takeover of NBPOL mean for the people of New Britain?

Source: PNG Exposed

Uncertain Futures is the title of a 2012 report on the impacts of Sime Darby on communities in Liberia. The report paints a chilling and tragic picture of human rights violations.

Sime Darby is the Malaysian company now poised to take control of NBPOL and its plantations in Papua New Guinea.

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Critiques dispute Jubilee report with baseless arguments

Source: Special Correspondent

The Jubilee research report on Bougainville launched in late August has caught wide attention abroad and in the autonomous region. In what seems as a shock for the Australian public to find that there is greater opposition to the reopening than expected, critiques however; seem unwilling to agree on the report, which apparently contains quoted voices of those living in the ruins of a mining town coupled with a completely decimated and toxic environment.

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Juffa: Logging not beneficial

Picture: Oro Governor, Gary Juffa

Article Source: Post Courier

Large scale logging in the country has done more damage than good in the rural areas, those affected are often suppressed and threatend by foreign loggers using local police to thier benefit, Oro Governor Gary Juffa said yesterday.

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NBPOL suitor has record of land grabbing and human rights violations in Liberia

Sime Darby is infamous for illegal land clearing, violent clashes with local communities, illegal forest fires and for threatening the last orangutan habitats.

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An unrecognised actor in restoring peace on Bougainville

Source: Special Correspondent

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Solwara 1 Project: A long term disaster for PNG

Source: Pacific Business News

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Media Release: PNG Forest Authority will not take responsibility for unlawful logging in SABL areas

The PNG Forest Authority will not take responsibility and stop logging in Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) areas despite overwhelming evidence the logging is unlawful, says community activist group ACT NOW!

"We have met with the Managing Director, Kanawi Pouru, and senior managers and made a detailed submission but they seem more interested in protecting the interests of the foreign logging companies than defending the rights of local people", says Program Manager, Effrey Dademo.

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Why the logging in SABL areas is illegal and PNG Forest Authority needs to act

On 26 September ACT NOW! led a delegation to meet with the Managing Director of the PNG Forest Authority and his senior managers to explain to them why the Forest Clearance Authorities issued by the Authority are null and void and should be cancelled.

The Forest Clearance Authorities have been issued to allow clear felling of forests in areas leased from customary landowners under Special Agriculture and Business Leases.

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