
UN acknowledges PNG model of development failing

Source: PNG Mine Watch

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Gary Juffa: Group Funded By Asian Logging Entities

Picture: Oro Govenor,Gary Juffa

Source: EMTV

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Court revokes SABL leases

Source: Post Courier

The National court has declared two agriculture and business leases of SABLs covering over 38, 000 hectres of land in Northen Province null and void, and further ordered the State to cancel thier titles.

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Female MP speaks out against illegal logging

Source: PNG Loop

MP representing women of central Bougainville in the ABG is advocating against illegal logging activities in Kereaka, in the Kunua District of west coast Bougainville.

Joan Jerome revealed yesterday that she had received information from sources about illegal activities in Kereaka and is not happy about that.

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Source: The Critic

Press Release 

Picture: Juffa, Arore and Gore

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Minister Gore uses Department funds to pay for Oro LLG Presidents accommodation at the Grand Papua Hotel

Oro Governor Gary Juffa has demanded explanations from Community Development Minister Delilah Gore for using her position to draw funds from the Department of Community Development to sponsor a political upheaval in Oro.

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Delilah Gore misused Community Development Department funds to plot Governors overthrow

Source: PNG Exposed

Documents have come to light that show more than K17,000 was paid by the Department of Community Development to the Grand Papua Hotel in Port Moresby on October 20.

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New Land Laws premature - government must deal with corruption first

Effrey Dademo

Moves by the government to review the Lands Act and introduce revised legislation* are premature and focus attention away from the real problem - corruption, says community activist group, ACT NOW!

Changes to the law ignore the corruption which is at the root of most of the current problems with land administration and any changes will do nothing to stop the ongoing abuses.

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MRA finds another way to assist foreign companies to get rich while destroying our communities and environment

MRA isn't just totally ignoring the National Goals and Directive Principles which are the bedrock of our Constitution - it is actively undermining them...

MRA: Coal mining has potential in PNG

Source: Mine Watch PNG via Post Courier

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Mining executives and government Ministers prefer the high life in Sydney to the dangers of Port Moresby

Source: PNG Loop

The big boys of mining and petroleum and from the PNG government are set to gather at the annual PNG Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference in Australia.

They will gather in Sydney at the Hilton Hotel for the conference which will run for three days, December 1-3.

It will be the 13thsuch conference to be held.

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