
Power to Districts

District administrators get more disciplinary clout with new laws

This decision gives light to ACT NOW's first pillar for a gutpela sinduan blong olgeta: Localization of Decision-Making

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Momis inap nau lo tanim toktok nabaut - Momis, enough with the lying

By Buin Ogoi

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Panguna Reopening: Where does it fit in Bougainville’s walk to freedom?

From a Special Correspondent

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Marine Protected Areas in South Africa - Ocean grabbing by another name

Picture: Women of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, protesting today. Photo: World Forum of Fisher Peoples - WFFP

Source: The Ecologist

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Research Conference present research to Waigani

Picture: Planning Minister,Charles Abel, recieving resolution papers

Source: PNG Loop

Universities and research institutions involved in this week’s research Science and Technology conference presented resolution papers to Planning Minister Charles Abel today.

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Rimbunan Hijau ignoring court order to stop logging operations

Picture: A logging ship collects logs from the RH operation in Pomio

Source: PNG Exposed

Controversial Malaysian logging company, Rimbunan Hijau, has failed to abide by a court order to stop all logging operations in two lease areas in the Pomio district of East New Britain.

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Customary land and peoples livelihoods at risk because of Prime Ministers failure over SABL land grab

By Lester Seri, OCEAN*

This country risks totally losing the five million hectares of customary land that has been allocated as Special Agriculture and Business Leases but which have been determined illegal by the Commission of Inquiry. The Government, especially our Prime Minister, has promised the nation that all illegal SABL will be canceled but to date, many remain to be canceled.

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Source: Sam Koim, PNG's Anti-Corruption Chief Expert & Champion.

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PNG gavman imas bihainim promis long rausim SABL

Source: Caroline Tiriman, Radio Australia

Heve ol papa graun long Papua New Guinea i wok long stap insait aninit long ol Special Agriculture Business Leases blong gavman oa SABL, ol i autim gen long wol iken harim.

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NGO says Australian summit 'disappointment'

Source: Radio New Zealand

A Papua New Guinea NGO says a large rainforest summit in Australia failed to discuss the urgent threats facing PNG rainforests.

Act Now's comment follows an Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit in Sydney this month, which was hosted by the Australian Government.

A spokesperson for the NGO, Eddie Paine, who attended the summit, says the meeting was a complete disappointment from a Pacific perspective.

He says there were no Pacific Island speakers and the issue of illegal logging in PNG was not discussed.

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