
Momis shuns own lie, resorts to attacking Jubilee report

Image taken from an SBS Dateline documentary “Blood and Treasure” where the President claimed “A vast majority of Bougainville, I would say over 97% want the mine to be opened”

James Laluai

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O'Niell pushing for increased dependency an UnConstitutional and failed development model

Large-scale mining and gas projects completley defeat the five National Goals in our Constitution and after 30-years have utterly failed to improve the lives of ordinary people in PNG. Yet our Prime Minister and government are determined to

blindly continue along the same failed economic path, enriching forreign corporations and themselves while we suffer the environmental and social costs

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Island Women: WE Don't Want Seabed Mining Ever

Source: Little Green Palai

Just the thought of mining the seafloor in Melanesia is not sitting well with two women from Melanesia.

From Vanuatu, the new president of the Vanuatu National Council of Women, Mrs. Leias Cullwick is still firm on the Vanuatu women’s call to stop exploration and mining on the seafloor in Vanuatu.

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Indonesia should step out of Papua with pride, says jailed activist

Source: The Age

Jayapura, West Papua:Ten years after he was jailed for raising the outlawed "Morning Star" flag, West Papuan independence leader Filep Karma has called on Indonesian President Joko Widodo to voluntarily grant independence to West Papua so that Indonesia is not embarrassed in international forums.

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Talk to Landowners before selling PNG

Source: Little Green Palai

In just a few days in a faraway land in Sydney, Australia, from December 1-3, Papua New Guinea’s mining department will be hosting its investment conference.

However, in two rural villages in Bogia and Karkar Island in Madang province they are not pleased that rural lands are being talked about without local people’s involvement.

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BHP's legacy of environmental ruin remains for South Fly

Picture: Sadly a deformed infant and mother in the Middle Fly area of Western province. BHP Billiton owned and operated the Ok Tedi mine which directly discharged toxic mine waste into the Fly River system

Source: Radio New Zealand

Landowners in the South Fly region of Papua New Guinea's Western province are unsatisfied with the compensation given for environmental devastation caused by the Ok Tedi mine.

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Brief on Frieda and on issues of ownership and control and the pre-emptive rights of the State in resource projects

"… be mindful of the growing disillusionment by the majority of our people and our Land owners in particular about the way we have dealt with the exploitation of our non renewable resources which continues to treat our people as mere spectators in this sector… "

Picture: PNG Mine Watch

Source: PNG Blogs

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Industrial mining,investment and impact in Morobe

One group lives with the impacts of mining forever, the other takes the money, avoids responsibility and moves on

Source: PNG Mine Watch

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Investments in Melanesian countries growing, says deputy PM Dion

Are these Investments really helping the bulk of Papua New Guinea let alone the Melanesian people ? How much tangible rural development can be seen ? Is the infrastructure really reaching our rural population, roads, bridges, schools, health centres? People struggle to bring their coffee beans, their kaukau bags and their vegetables to sell in towns and yet our MSG members argue for better connectivity with a MSG Travel Card. Who is this investment for ? Which Economy is growing?

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Landowners unhappy with OK Tedi


Source: Post Courier

Traditional landowners in the Fly River area of Papua New Guinea's Western Province are reportedly upset that compensation payments from the Ok Tedi mine have been reduced by around half this year.

The landowners are paid money as compensation for the environmental destruction caused by the mine.

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