
Landowners kick out mine developer

Source: PNG Mine Watch

LANDOWNERS of the Sinivit gold mine in East New Britain Province will be meeting with developer representatives and government officials today to iron out issues between all parties.

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Pacific Islanders against seabed mining

Source: Solomon Star

PACIFIC Indigenous peoples have voiced their united stand against any proposed seabed mining.

Solomon Islands Dr Samson Viulu who spoke on behalf of the pacific indigenous peoples made it clear before world leaders during the UN General Assembly in New York.

He said its important to halt any plans to carryout seabed mining in the pacific.

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Bougainville Landowners defend consultation over Panguna Mine

NGO report claims there is widespread mistrust of discussions around PNG copper mine reopening, but Bougainville president and landowners say report is flawed

Helen Davidson | The Guardian

A rusted truck remains at the Panguna copper mine that was shut down after villagers Papua New Guinea’s autonomous region of Bougainville fought a decade-long civil war. Photograph: Ilya Gridneff/AAP

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Protected Corals could be wiped out by deep sea mining in NZ

Source: PNG MIne Watch

Mining phosphate from the seabed of the Chatham Rise would remove a protected coral species crucial to the local ecosystem, an Environmental Protection Agency hearing into a seabed mining proposal was told this morning.

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Groups warn of 'social unrest' and 'violence'

Picture: Fiu Mata'ese Elisara

Source: Samoa observer

The risk runs high that benefits will flow not to local communities, but to foreign investors and national elites, with short-term monetary gains to individuals vested with unfettered powers over our lands” – Chiefs tell A.D.B.

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Is An Obsession With Foreign Investment Eroding Democracy in Papua New Guinea?

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PNG To Get Around K400 Million In Revenue From Alluvial Gold

Picture:Mining Minister, Byron Chan

Source: PNG Today

The system, nicknamed flexi, allows all tenements, including alluvial related tenements, to be shown on the electronic cadastral map and is accessible online.

Mr Chan said once supported by revisions to the Mining Act currently underway, flexi will allow online registration of applications for tenements achieving a world first in this leading edge system.

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Are the Solomon Islands minister and department of mines doing their job?

Source: Solomon Star

HAVING sighted available information with regard to the granting of the mining lease to both Asian Pacific Investment Development (APID) and Bingtang Borneo it is quite clear that due process under the Mines and Minerals Regulation has not been followed.Transparency Solomon Islands hold the view that the decision reached is questionable and possibly  unlawful.It is questionable given the fact that many procedures required before a decision may be reached were not followed.

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John Momis: Not the brightest bulb

Source: PNG exposed

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PNG gavman inot tingting bikpela long lukautim peles: Ken Mondiai

Picture: Logging i bagarapim wara long Inaina Wildlife management Area long Kairuku Hiri District long Central province (PWM Photo)

Source: ABC Radio Australia

Direkta blong dispela NGO grup Partners With Melanesians, Ken Mondiai i sutim strongpela toktok long PNG gavman na ol agensi blongen i nating putim strongpela tingting long konsevesen wok long kantri.


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