
The Legend Carver

Source: Special Correspondent in Bougainville

This is the story of an individual whom, despite the setbacks of the infamous ten year crisis, discovered an innate talent of carving stories, practices and legends onto wood. Practically, he is a legend carver for he is able to put legends and tales of Bougainville onto wood.                                                 

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A house divided within itself cannot stand

Source: Special Correspondent in Bougainville

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Call for positive attitude: PNG Constitutional and Law Reform Commission

From The National via Islands Business

Constitutional and Law Reform Commission (CLRC) secretary Dr Eric Kwa says Papua New Guinea will have to adopt a more-positive attitude and shrug off the inferiority complex if the country is to move forward.

Kwa, Papua New Guinea’s foremost legal expert who is spearheading the review into the Organic Law on provincial government and local level governments, said nothing would happen without positivity and faith in public servants as service deliverers.

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Barrick Gold refuses to relocate villagers who suffer murer, rape and house burning

Source: PNG Mine watch

This past July a young man was murdered deep in the remote highlands of Papua New Guinea, and Canadians should care.


Why concern ourselves with this one act of violence in a far away corner of the Pacific, at a time when there is so much violence in the world?

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Mekim na Save, na noken lustingting (Do it and Know, and never forget)

Source: Special Correspondent in Bougainville

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Westminster system good for PNG politics

Photo: Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill_PNGvillage

Source: Mellisa Martin

The Westminster system of government is an ideal form of government for Papua New Guinea, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said yesterday. He said this during the opening of the Governor-General’s new office at Government House in Port Moresby.

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Increased Violence at Barrick's Pogera Mine: Indigenous Ipili send Envoy from Papua New Guinea to Canada

Source: PNG Mine Watch

Barrick Gold’s Porgera Joint Venture Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has long been associated with extreme violence against local men and women by mine security and state police associated with the mine. The level of human rights abuses at the mine has spiked again this year.

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Tonga passes Act to regulate seabed minerals exploration and mining

Source: PNG Mine Watch

Matangi Tonga

Parliament has passed a Seabed Minerals Act 2014, an act that regulates mineral exploration and potential mining in Tongan waters.

Tonga currently has no mining industry as the Kingdom has yet to discover mineral resources such as oil or precious metals. Past oil explorations have been made, but without success.

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Sandaun wants license

Source: The National

The West Sepik provincial government is seeking a licence from the Government to export logs.

Acting Governor Paul Negai told Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa and PNG Forest Authority managing director Kanawi Pouru during their visit to the province on Monday that West Sepik wanted to export its own logs.

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Conference reaffirms Pacific Identity

Source: The National

People gathered at the Divine Word University in Madang last week to discuss the importance of restoring Pacific identity.

The gathering coincided with a celebration dance, that signified a protest against western influence of exploiting land and sea resources in the Pacific. .

In attendance were artists, musicians, chiefs, academics, clergy, activists, youth and civil society representatives.

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