
Samoan Chiefs File Official Complaint To ADB

Source: Samoa Observer

Objecting to reforms that could lead to alienation of customary lands

A group of village chiefs filed an official complaint to the Asian Development Bank (A.D.B) yesterday. And they are adamant that if their grievances are not adequately addressed by the Bank, they are prepared to take the matter all the way to the International Human Rights Court.

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PNG Activis i askim rijan long sapotim West Papua indipendans

Source: Radio Australia

Wanpela Papua New Guinea human rights activist na sapota blong West Papua Independence itok PNG na rijin i nid long wokim moa long halvim ol lain ia.Wanpela Papua New Guinea human rights activist na sapota blong West Papua Independence itok PNG na rijin i nid long wokim moa long halvim ol lain ia.

West Papua Morning Star Flag (Credit: ABC) 

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MP: Faliure of govt, company causes Ramu destruction

Source: PNG Mine Watch

USINO-Bundi MP Anthon Yagama has blamed the failure by Ramu Nickel and the Government to honour the MOA for the recent destruction of properties at the Kurumbukari mine area in Madang province.

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PNG government accused of lying about Ok Tedi funds verdict by PNG SDP chairman Sir Mekere Morauta


Source: ABC Australia

PNG's prime minister has been accused of 'grossly misrepresenting' a court decision over disputed funds from the Ok Tedi mine.

The PNG SDP and the PNG government are fighting over control of a trust which uses money from the Ok Tedi mine to fund development projects (Credit: Audience submitted)

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State Crime and resistance in the South Pacific: Uncovering a denied history

Source: PNG Mine Watch

During a fiery Senate Estimates hearing in Australia earlier this year, a senior official from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade was asked by Senator Lee Rhiannon if she was aware of significant evidence on Australian state criminality published in the British Journal of Criminology.

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Australians Green washing the mining industry in PNG

Gender and Mining Symposium in Papua New Guinea

Source: PNG Mine Watch

IM4DC, in collaboration with The University of Queensland (UQ) and The University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) recently presented a gender and mining symposium and workshop in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

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Tonga a world leader in seabed minerals law

Source: Secretariat of the Pacific Community | The Jet

The Kingdom of Tonga this month became the first country in the world to put in place a law that manages seabed mineral activities within its national marine space and under its sponsorship in international waters.

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PNG MP calls for toxic waste facts on Pogera


(Credit: ABC Audience Submitted)

Source: PNG Mine Watch

The MP for Porgera in Papua New Guinea's Enga province, Nixon Mangape, has called for independent scientific monitoring of the level of toxic waste from the Porgera gold mine.

Mr Mangape says there are indications that significant damage has been caused by the mine to the Strickland River, and has asked that the Minister of Environment John Pundari should put officers on the ground to monitor it.

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Madang Wansolwara Dance

Source: PNG Loop

Through remembrance and protest, a group of Pacific Islanders will be celebrating the one dream for our Ocean, free to be self-determining.

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India Presses ahead with laws for experimental seabed mining

Gujarat National Law University to draft two key laws on deep sea mining

Source: The Times of India

The Union ministry of earth sciences has asked Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) to prepare two draft laws that will lay the guidelines for deep sea mining in the Indian Ocean off India's territorial waters, and in Antarctic Ocean. The draft laws will be called 'Deep Seabed Mining Act', and 'Antarctica Act of India'. The Indian Ocean seabed is rich in precious metals and can yield natural resources of great value.

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