
WCB Resources announces anticipated arrival of drill rig on Misima Island

Source: WCB Resources Ltd | Market Watch

WCB is pleased to announce that logistical arrangements have been confirmed with the barge carrying the drill rig, support equipment and additional supplies for the previously announced Misima Porphyry Drill Program. The barge is set to depart the city of Lae on August 26, 2014 and is expected to take approximately 5 days to travel to Misima. Drilling is expected to commence approximately 7 days after the arrival of the drill rig on Misima.

About Misima Porphyry Prospect

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NZ: Environment agency opposes second seabed mining application

Source: The National Business Review

The Environmental Protection Authority says it cannot recommend in favour of a proposal to mine phosphate nodules from the seabed on the Chatham Rise, saying there are too many uncertainties about the environmental impacts of Chatham Rock Phosphate's plans on an important fishery.

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Panguna trust fund board meeting in Buka

Source: Post-Courier

A ONE-day meeting for the trust fund board responsible for the coordination of discussions on issues concerning Panguna mining and its subsequent re-opening was held in Buka yesterday.

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Juffa: Land grabbing a major problem

Source: Post Courier

ILLEGAL land grabbing has been a major problem for Papua New Guineans both in the urban and rural areas, Oro Governor Garry Juffa said to the Bagasin people in the Collingwood Bay area of Oro Province.

In a visit to the Uiako village where he launched a TV dish for the local primary school and the community last Friday, Mr Juffa assured the people that no one would take their land away from them.

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loggers take fight to court

Source: Post Courier

A KOREAN company which won a contract at the Cloudy Bay sustainable forestry has gone to court claiming area compensation of K9.6 million.

Managing director of Pako F&C Holdings PNG Ltd Chin-Sik Son took the matter to court after his three-month-old contract with Cloudy Bay was terminated early this year.

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MINING MINISTER: No customary rights over seas in Papua New Guinea


Unitech New Ireland Students addressing the ministers about Seabed Mining, Lae

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Bougainville Mining Law fails customary landowners

Source: PNG Mine watch

A legal analysis commissioned by the Mineral Policy Institute says Bougainville's new Mining Law fails to protect the rights of local people. The law is also in breach of Bougainville's own Constitution and is inconsistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People

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Lands Board functions being decentralised

MP wants board decentralised

Source: Post Courier

LANDS and Physical Planning Minister Benny Allan has thrown in his support for the decentralisation of land board functions to provinces.

"This is so that each province can have their own land and physical planning board to plan how they can use their land without waiting for approvals from the National Land Board, in so far as allocation and granting of land titles are concerned," Minister Allan said in a statement yesterday.

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EU puts more money into experimental seabed mining

Health check for deep-sea mining

European project evaluates risks to delicate ecosystems.

Source: Katia Moskvitch | Nature

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Villagers not seeing promised benefits from Ramu mine

Source: PNG Loop

Usino/Bundi MP Anthony Yagama and Madang acting Provincial Police Commander Ben Neneo met with the Bundi people on Sunday to hear their side of the story of the million kina damages caused by some of them last week.

Bundi villagers expressed their concerns that the developer, Ramu Nickel, and the Government of PNG had not implemented much of what had been agreed upon in the MOA.

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