
HRW: 2015 World Report addresses gender inequality, police brutality, corruption

Source: EM TV Online

Gender inequality, corruption and police brutality are among the key issues Papua New Guinea faces today, Human Rights Watch’s 2015 World Report states.

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30 more refugees to settle in PNG

Manus Island Regional Processing Centre. Photo Courtesy of The Gurdian

Source: Post Courier

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Photo Courtesy of Seawanhaka

Source: "Red Soil"

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What is the benefit of paying my Taxes????

Avoid paying taxes and go to jail. By Niugini Blog

Source: Richard Mark via Facebook 

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Why Momis is Beholden to BCL

Source: Special Correspondent in Bougainville

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Photo Caption: The Wewak State of the Art Stadium

Source: "Red Soil"

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Agriculture is our backbone, PM O’Neill

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Australian Open: Protesters draw attention to detainees on Manus Island

Protesters unfurl a banner during the men's final, drawing attention to the plight of refugees on Manus Island. Photo: Joe Armao

Source: The Age Sport

Police have arrested protesters who managed to get on centre court while unfurling a pro-refugee, anti-Manus Island banner during the men's final of the Australian Open.

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Picture: Moresby South MP and Minister for Sports and National Events Justin Tkatchenko addressing sellers at Koki market, Papua New Guinea. 

Source: Post Courier 

The alleged purchase of land at Koki market has not gone down well with the local MP who is prepared to fight and ensure the land is given back to his people.

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Extractive industries cause "serious human rights problems and environmental harm" in PNG

A victim of domestic violence shows her head wound patched up with tape in a women's shelter in Papua New Guinea's capital city of Port Moresby © 2005 Reuters

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