
Resource owners in West Pomio SABL say they have not benefited as claimed by RH

Picture taken at Rali Camp, Pomata, Pomio District

Resource owners in the West Pomio SABL areas have not benefited from logging and oil palm planting on their stolen land as claimed by Rimbunan Hijau.

The resource owners say a statement by RH Group Executive Director Ivan Lu published on 14th September 2017 is false and untrue.

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Death of journalist sparks national debate about domestic violence

With the country's outcry to claims of brutal Domestic Violence leading to the death of a prominent PNG Journalist, it is clear that PNG men and women by heart know that 'Our PNG Ways' is not one of domestice violence or any kind of violence for that matter. The 5th National Goal and Directive Principle in our Constitution promotes our 'PNG WAYS'. Stop the violence, that is not 'Our Model of Development'.

Source: The Guardian

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Nautilus is a Risky Deal - Sir Arnold Amet


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Debt bondage for workers in Australian horticulture akin to slavery, inquiry hears

Papua New Guineans shouldn't be easily lured into slavery overseas, as Paul was in the article below. We should work our own land and reap the benefits, the true value of our land, instead of looking for fast/easy money.

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SABL: A Misconceived Development Perception

Source: Centre For Environmental Law and Community Rights

The rural population of Papua New Guinea have long suffered at the hands of both foreign and national developers. This short documentary film captures the environmental injustice and human rights violation being experienced by the communities, living in the Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL) project site of Pomio and Kairak in the East New Britain Province.

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Bewani ILG Chairmen 'assaulted and forced to sign SABL agreements'

“Our houses were torn down, and we were beaten and threatened to cooperate with the company’s demands. Our MP Beldan Namah initiated the project, and so was leading in all that.”

That’s from Jack Luke, an Incorporated Land Group (ILG) Chairman from the Bewani Oil Palm Plantation in the West Sepik (Sandaun) Province.

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SABL land grab dividing families

Anna Kwembi from Elis village of Bewani in the West Sepik Province is not fond of the experiences and changes the Malaysian logging company, operating under a Special Agriculture Business Lease, has brought to her area, and its impacts on her and her family. Like many others ActNow! has come across while investigating the Bewani area, Anna is struggling to keep the logging company out of her family’s land area, but she’s struggling alone.

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Govt removes critical powers from proposed watchdog

The government has amended draft legislation for an Independent Commission Against Corruption to remove some of its most critical powers and open the doors to political interference. This watering down of the powers of the ICAC means the government will be creating exactly the kind of 'toothless monster' the Secretary for Justice warned about in his letter to the media published on the 18th of September.

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SABL logger cheating Bewani locals

“What little I get from my royalty payments I give back to the logging company because most business houses in Vanimo town, including the only supermarket are owned by the logging company. Moreover, the company cheats me by claiming money from my royalty payments”

That’s from Emap Itep of Aimbai village in Bewani, West Sepik Province.

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Police and army accused of serving SABL loggers

Peter Tai is the Chief of Aimbai village, one of 26 villages in Bewani, West Sepik Province. Just like the other people Act Now! met in Bewani, Chief Peter had no knowledge that Malaysian logging companies would be taking over their land, until they arrived.

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