
Land Policy encroachment by UNDP and World Bank

Author: Justin Ondopa

UNDP and World Bank must stay away from land policies in Papua New Guinea.

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Celebrating and defending customary land on NBC

Campaign Coordinator Eddie Tanago was on Steven Mase’s NBC Radio talkback show yesterday [April 19, 2018] to speak about customary land, along with Logia Nao from the National Research Institute.

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Campaign Launch: Photo Diary

ACT NOW! launched its new camapign, titled 'Celebrating and Defending Customary Land', on April 17 in Port Moresby.

More than 30 people attended the launch event, including representatives from ten different media outlets and various civil society groups.

Camera crews set up their recording equipment

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Campaign Launch: Celebrating and Defending Customary Land

ACT NOW! is today launching a new multi-media campaign 'Celebrating and Defending Customary Land’.

Why? Well, customary land is the most valuable and important asset available to most Papua New Guineans but its critical role is often misunderstood or misrepresented, particularly by outsiders.

Too few people realise customary land supports an economy estimated to be worth K40 billion a year, provides jobs and incomes for 3 million farmers and provides housing and a sense of community for more than 7 million people.

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Court dismisses orders restraining customary landowners from accessing their OWN land

Source: Scott Waide, My Land My Country

A group of  customary landowners in Papua New Guinea have regained access to their land following a significant legal victory against supporters of a logging company.

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Liquid Gold: Honey producers battling the odds

Image: Samuel Kuku, a beekeeper in the Eastern Highlands.

Source: Scott Waide / EMTV news

For more than 30 years, Tella Loie, worked in the public service as a honeybee specialist.

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Logging company tries to gag forest activists

Lester Seri speaking at the SABL petition presentation in 2017

Two customary landowners have been served with a defamation lawsuit and a gagging order application by Malaysian owned logging company, Northern Forest Products Limited.

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Will the 2018 APEC Summit Benefit PNG?

Commentary by By Aloysius Otmar on PNG Today

PM Peter O'Neill and Treasury Minister Charles Abel are saying PNG will benefit from the APEC 2018. Like many right thinking and concerned PNGeans, I doubt it very much. This event will only be a major gain for many politically-aligned individuals and not the country as a whole. Why do I need to boast about the APEC 2018 when;

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How we can stop criminal cartels stealing our forests

Police action squad dealing to illegal loggers in Oro Province. Image: Gary Juffa/FB

OPINION: By Gary Juffa

In the ongoing saga of stopping illegal logging in Papua New Guinea’s Oro province, our facts reveal that the PNG Forest Authority is failing our people.

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#PNG land grabbers could potentially face International Criminal Court

Source: Martyn Namarong / Namarong Report

The International Justice and Human Rights (IJHR) Clinic at the Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia has released a manual that explores the novel idea of prosecuting land grabbing as a crime against humanity.

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