
New Campaign Seeks End to Ocean Mine Waste Dumping

Photo: MCC dumps waste from the Ramu mine into Basamuk Bay 

Ditch Ocean Dumping coalition calls on Citigroup to divest from mines tied to the practice

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PNG hosts APEC on illicit timber while allowing illegal logging

IMAGE: Map showing new logging roads and tree cover loss in 2017

SOURCE: Global Witness

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SABL petition anniversary marks PNG's greatest ever scandal

February 21st is the first anniversary of the presentation of a 10,000 signature petition to the Department of Lands demanding the cancellation of the SABL leases. 2018, also marks five-years since the SABL Commission of Inquiry exposed the full extent of the illegal land grab, which affects more than 10% of the whole country.

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Message from Tavolo villagers: “We did not sign SABL”

Pepetua Marangona, Tavolo village, Pomio

Source: Scott Waide, My Land, My Country

Tavolo village in Pomio, East New Britain, is a place not many in Waigani know about.

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How SABLs are disrupting communities and creating conflict

Source: Scott Waide, My Land, My Country

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UN calls out PNG over litany of abuses

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, right, meets PM Peter O'Neill Source: OHCHR

UN High Commissioner highlights key issues including corruption, the SABL land grab and human rights abuses in the extractive industries. Read his full statement here.

SOURCE : Stefan Armbruster, SBS

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Minister should listen to the people on ESM

By Lester Seri - Collingwood Bay landowner and Environment Advocate

Our Minister for Mining has made known his support for experimental seabed mining, but he has not given any rational justification for his endorsement of Nautilus Minerals and Solwara 1, especially when there is so much uncertainty and questions being asked about Papua New Guinea being used as a guinea pig. 

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Agri-tourism a big opportunity for Papua New Guinea

A PNG potato farmer. Source: EMTEK Multi-Media

Source: Sarah Byrne, Business Advantage PNG

With the focus on major resources projects, Papua New Guinea is missing the opportunity to develop a thriving agri-tourism sector, Papua New Guinea Women in Agricultural Development Foundation (PNGWiADF) President, Maria Linibi tells Business Advantage PNG.

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O’Neill’s ‘monstrous’ plan trashes traditional land legacies

Rainforest for palm oil land clearance ... new PNG land plan "a licence for banks and others to progressively expropriate traditional lands in the name of "development"

OPINION: By Chris Overland* 

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Seabed Mining is an invasion of indigenous livelihoods

Image: Alliance of Solwara Warriors

Source: Caritas Papua New Guinea

Deep sea bed mining is the extraction of metals such as iron, manganese, copper, zinc, lead nickel, cadmium, silver, platinum gold and rare earths from the sea floor.

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