Stop the Stealing Campaign Updates

The Despot’s Guide to Wealth Management and Australia’s role as a haven for dirty money

Australia is a haven for dirty money, money stolen from countries like Papua New Guinea, according to research by Professor Jason Sharman which will shortly be published in a new book, The Despot’s Guide to Wealth Management.

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Politicians and business at the centre of organised crime

The dark side of economic globalisation: politics, organised crime and corruption in the Pacific

By Sinclair Dinnen and Grant Walton on DevPolcy Blog

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Singapore corruption case emphasizes need for Australian government to do more

The recent corruption case in Singapore involving former Prime Minister Michael Somare emphasises the need for Australia to do much more to crack down on money laundering from PNG.

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Dirty SABL Palm Oil to hit the International Market

The oil palm mill at Dirina in Pomio

SABL Story Project*

Who would think that a responsible government, whose income is dependent on tax revenue would allow one of our major export crop to be smeared with more dirt? 

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Michael Somare received US$784,000 in corruption scam


The Singapore court has found Somare received over US$750,000 in corrupt payments and authorities have frozen his Singapore bank account

Couple jailed in US$3.6m money laundering case involving ex-Papua New Guinea PM

Source: Amir Hussain – Straits Times

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Third anniversary of land grab report and other updates

Next week is the third anniversary of the Commission of Inquiry reports that exposed the mismanagement, negligence and corruption behind the huge SABL land grab.

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Radical change needed to avoid cycles of bloodshed in PNG


Dr Kristian Lasslett, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Ulster University

The recent shooting of university students brings home the incredible contrast that exists between the streets and the suites in Papua New Guinea. Police bullets don’t mince words, nor should we.

Decades of research and inquiry have established time and time again that the elite corridors of power in government and business operate through corruption, violence and theft. Many complicit individuals populate the most senior levels of government. Fact.

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Students call for Corruption Watchdogs to be given bite

By Bernard Gomba

Background Facts

Papua New Guinea as a nation has its anti-corruption agencies and authorities which are created by law and policy to address corruption related issues that affects the nation.

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Mothers pay the price for government corruption


Corruption benefits the politicians but it is ordinary mothers who pay the price

“I am a mother and I frequently visit the hospital and I have a pay a fee to receive medical treatment."

"To see the pathologist, to consult with a doctor, I pay. Why should I struggle to pay for every little check when the government can allow K780 million to be stolen?” 

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2016 Guide To National Crisis Issues: Download Here!


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