Stop the Stealing Campaign Updates

ACT NOW! condemns suspension of journalist Scott Waide

ACT NOW! has condemned the suspension of award winning journalist Scott Waide who has reportedly been sidelined on the orders of the government for his reporting on current issues affecting the country.

ACT NOW! says the suspension is a huge attack on media freedom and should be condemned by everyone in PNG and the region.

ACT NOW! has reiterated the Media Council’s call for the government to immediately reverse the suspension. 

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Delays in criminal justice system cheat everyone

News from the Correctional Services chief, Stephen Pokanis that the prison at Baisu, near Mount Hagen, is overcrowded because of the number of people awaiting trial is disturbing for a number of reasons.  

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Government waters down ICAC bill

Papua New Guinea’s proposed Independent Commission Against Corruption could end up being an ineffective and toothless organisation as a result of government changes to the draft ICAC bill [can be downloaded below].

Expert analysis shows the government has watered down the draft legislation to remove key powers from the proposed agency, despite claims to the contrary from the Prime Minister and Attorney General.

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Government's 'interim ICAC' not "Independent"

The government’s announcement of a so-called ’interim ICAC’ is an insult to the nation and an abuse of the ICAC name. 

An ICAC must be independent from government and free from any political interference, but, what the Prime Minister has announced, fundamentally fails both these tests.

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Corruption is O’Neill’s Biggest Failure

It is six years since Prime Minister Peter O’Neill promised the country an Independent Commission Against Corruption. Yet that vision is no closer to being realised today than it was in 2012.

Peter O’Neill has totally failed to live up to his promises in both the 2012 and 2017 Alotau Accords that the government would establish an ICAC.

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ACT NOW! and the Open Govt Partnership

Photo: ACT NOW! was on the panel for the discussion on Public Participation and Access to Information.

ACT NOW! Program Coordinator, Eddie Tanago, attended the High Level Conference on the Open Government Partnership in Port Moresby this week. 

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Australian government's hypocritical stance on PNG corruption

Image: Sir Michael Somare arrives at Parliament House in Canberra in 2009. Photo: AAP

Source: Michael Pascoe, The New Daily

It’s illegal for Australian entities to bribe foreign entities, but apparently we’re perfectly happy to take dirty money from bribed foreigners and consort with corrupt leaders.

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Policy Proposals to improve governance and service delivery

Papua New Guinea is facing some serious governance challenges that are inhibiting economic development and service delivery and affecting the health and wellbeing of ordinary citizens, but what reforms are needed to ensure things improve?

To help address this question, ACT NOW! has developed a set of fifteen policy proposals that it has set out in a consultation document.

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Proposed ICAC legal framework needs a lot of work

Source:  Sam Koim, Devpolicy Blog / ANU

The setting up of a centralised anti-corruption agency (ACA) is an important decision for a country, and in 2014 Papua New Guinea took the first step, amending its Constitution to create an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

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