Stop the Stealing Campaign Updates

ACT NOW reaching remote villages via USB sticks

A simple Flash Drive can be an effective education and awareness tool

Sia village in the Sohe District of Oro Province is a difficult place to reach from the outside.

With no road linking the community to the outside world, the only options are three hour dingy ride along the coast from the Provincial capital, Popondetta, and up the Mamba river, or a three to four day walk.

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Corruption report indicts 'deficient' PNG

Keith Jackson | PNG Attitude

A report by Transparency International PNG (TIPNG) on how the Papua New Guinea government is meeting its obligations under the United Nations Convention against corruption has highlighted “a multitude of deficiencies hindering the successful implementation” of the Convention.

In summary the TIPNG report concludes that the PNG government has been only partially compliant with its obligations.

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Govt must immediately publish the APEC Audit Report

ACT NOW is calling on the government to immediately publish the Auditor General’s report on spending for the 2018 APEC Summit.

The government has repeatedly promised that the APEC Audit report will be made public but it is now almost three-years since the Summit and we are still waiting.

According to the Auditor General, his report was given to the Speaker of Parliament in April, but has yet to be presented to MPs.

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Call for Forest Authority to ban tax evading logging companies

By Eddie Tanago, ACT NOW! Campaign Manager

The Forest Authority must stop aiding and abetting logging companies identified by the IRC as defrauding the State and landowners by evading taxes and must prevent them accessing even more areas of forest to feed their criminal activities.

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IRC adds more financial crimes to logging companies’ charge sheet

Papua New Guinea’s Internal Revenue Commission says the logging industry is “one of the most delinquent sectors insofar as tax compliance is concerned“.

The logging companies are guilty of “egregious” transfer pricing, “entrenched” tax evasion and “deceptive behaviour” says the IRC (see the full IRC statements below).

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COVID catering scandal highlights govt failure to publish reports

Eddie Tanago, Campaign Manager

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Poor corruption rating costs the economy and hits essential services

Papua New Guinea’s international corruption rating has slipped a further one-point, from 28 to 27, in the latest figures released by Transparency International. 

This is bad news for the economy and a sad reflection on the state of our democracy.

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Unexplained Wealth announcement welcomed, but PM will be judged on results

Government plans to investigate public servants who are living extravagant lifestyles beyond what they should be able to afford on the salaries they are paid are welcome, but the Prime Minister will be judged on the results rather than his promises. 

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Seeking Expressions of Interest

ACT NOW has recently received funding to expand its work in Papua New Guinea with a particular focus on the management of forest resources.

We are therefore seeking expressions of interest from well qualified and experienced practitioners and organisations interested in providing services in the following five areas:

  1. International stakeholder engagement;
  2. Research coordination;
  3. Digital services;
  4. Project management; and
  5. Investigative reserach.


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