ACTNOW's blog

National Census Report 2011

For those of you who have'nt got a copy of the Ntional Census Report 2011, click on the document below to have a read.


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Is education a magic bullet for addressing corruption? Insights from Papua New Guinea

Education is said to be a tool to address corruption in PNG. However, our education system is in dire strait with numerous issues to address as institutional corruption is a reality for PNG.

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Indonesia's second biggest palm oil company stops clearing of rain forests


Picture: Forest Hereos

Source: Rainforest Foundation Norway

Rainforest Foundation Norway and the Forest Hereos alliance welcome an announcement of an immediate moratorium on forest clearance by Astra Agro Lestari, the large Indonesian palm oil company connected to mandarin Oriental Hotels.

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Australia's stance on corruption - will all roads lead to Nauru (and Manus)?


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PNG given more time to squander taxpayers money on experimental seabed mining

PNG has already squandered $117 million valuable taxpayers money on Solwara 1, Canadian mining company Nautilus is still hoping for more...

Source: PNG Mine Watch

Nautilus and State Nominee Agree to Extend Option Exercise Date

Nautilus | Market Watch

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On the rise: Morobe's people driven cooperatives

Gold and silver will give you money but nothing is richer than the happiness that comes without damaging the environment that sustains you. Agricultural has always been the best method of sustaining our families, providing cash incomes and driving economic growth.

Moreover, we can do it ourselves, we are experts of our own land. No wonder these people look far happier than those poor souls at Porgera.

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Anti-seabed mining campaigners launch petition

Te Runanga o Ngati Ruanui Trust chairman Haimona Maruera Jnr, left, chief executive Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and environmental manager Graham Young during the EPA hearing into seabed mining last year


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The Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative in Papua New Guinea: Just more corporate greenwashing?

Papua New Guinea has recently signed up to the international Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative, but is EITI a good thing for the people impacted by the oil gas and mining industries? Or is EITI just another form of corporate green washing?

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Protests, arrests escalate in West Papua as regional summit draws closer

Protest in Port Numbay/Jayapura PHOTO: Free West Papua Campaign

Source: Ben Hillier, Red Flag newspaper

More than 500 activists have been arrested over the past month across West Papua as protests, demonstrations and meetings build in the lead up to the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Summit in Honiara, the Solomon Islands.

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More international MPs sign West Papua declaration

Free West Papua

There is a new wave of political support growing for West Papua’s legal right to self determination. People writing to their MP’s really does work. Thanks to everyone who has been emailing their politicians asking them to support West Papua’s legal right to self-determination.

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