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Protests, arrests escalate in West Papua as regional summit draws closer

Protest in Port Numbay/Jayapura PHOTO: Free West Papua Campaign

Source: Ben Hillier, Red Flag newspaper

More than 500 activists have been arrested over the past month across West Papua as protests, demonstrations and meetings build in the lead up to the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Summit in Honiara, the Solomon Islands.

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More international MPs sign West Papua declaration

Free West Papua

There is a new wave of political support growing for West Papua’s legal right to self determination. People writing to their MP’s really does work. Thanks to everyone who has been emailing their politicians asking them to support West Papua’s legal right to self-determination.

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New radio advertisement targets PM to push on cancelation of fraudulent leases

A new radio advertisement calling for an end to illegal SABL logging is hitting the airwaves in PNG.

This advert is sponsored by ACT NOW! and is currently playing on the popular YumiFM radio station. 

Stop the SABL land grab now!!

Fraudulent agricultural leases have been used to steal over 5 million hectares of forest from customary owners. That is over 10% of PNG's total land area.

"When will the PM Peter O'Neill revoke the leases and stop the SABLs?"

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New international report highlights reputation risk for firms involved in seabed mining

Business Intelligence group, RepRisk, has released a new report highlighting the environmental, social and governance risks for companies involved in seabed mining and drilling.

RepRisk is a leading international business intelligence provider serving global banks, insurance companies, investment managers and corporates.

In its report, RepRisk, details the many environmental concerns surrounding experimental seabed mining including:

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New billboard pokes fun at O'Neill's inaction on SABL land grab

A new cartoon highlighting the failure of the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to take any action over the SABL land grab has been strategically placed on a billboard right outside his Departmental office.

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MP's join the campaign against illegal land grabbing

Whilst customary landowners continue a struggling fight to keep and retain their land from cronie investors, members of parliament begin to realise the plight of people in thier provinces, and the peak of land grabbing in Papua New Guinea. 

It is great to see and read that members of parliament are joining the campaign against illegal land grabbing.

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Group: Review Indonesia’s membership


#WP4MSG. Photo courtesy of West Papua Action Network.

Source: The National

 A group representing West Papua people has called on the Government to review its decision to invite Indonesia as an associate member of the Melanesian Spearhead Group.

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Polye wants anti-rot body set-up hastened

Opposition leader, Don Polye wants answers on the delay in set-up of ICAC. Why is the Prime Minister not prioritising to rid corruption?

Where is the K20 million if there is no Task Force Sweep?

Opposition leader, Don Polye. Picture courtesy of fijitv.

Source: The National

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Waves of activists arrested during Papua rallies

Pacific Media Centre

The Papuan representative organisation, the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), says as many as 30 activists from the National Committee for West Papua (KNPB) have been arrested in Indonesia.

The KNPB has been pushing for freedom of expression for West Papuans and is one of the member groups in the ULMWP, which is seeking to join the Pacific sub-regional political body Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).

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Organisation boosts touch

ActNow staff presenting shirts to PNG Touch rugby Manager, Ian Yaro

Source: The National

ActNow, a non-governmental organisation, has backed the national touch football squad to the Pacific Games with the apparel promoting its cause.

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