ACTNOW's blog

MP's join the campaign against illegal land grabbing

Whilst customary landowners continue a struggling fight to keep and retain their land from cronie investors, members of parliament begin to realise the plight of people in thier provinces, and the peak of land grabbing in Papua New Guinea. 

It is great to see and read that members of parliament are joining the campaign against illegal land grabbing.

Waves of activists arrested during Papua rallies

Pacific Media Centre

The Papuan representative organisation, the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), says as many as 30 activists from the National Committee for West Papua (KNPB) have been arrested in Indonesia.

The KNPB has been pushing for freedom of expression for West Papuans and is one of the member groups in the ULMWP, which is seeking to join the Pacific sub-regional political body Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).

Organisation boosts touch

ActNow staff presenting shirts to PNG Touch rugby Manager, Ian Yaro

Source: The National

ActNow, a non-governmental organisation, has backed the national touch football squad to the Pacific Games with the apparel promoting its cause.

Disgraced Finance Secretary slammed in COI Report gets PhD & Teaching Fellowship in Australia

Maladina is nailed for the NPF Saga.

But the 2010 Department of Finance Commission of Inquiry found more than K780 million stolen and the report has sat for more than 5 years collecting dust without the recommendations being implemented and those responsible brought to justice.

Special Task Force to implement SABL recommendations

Any action by the government to address the SABL land grab and illegal logging is very welcome - but landowners have been waiting two years, not six months as the Chief Secretary claims...

By Jack Lapauve Jr – EM TV, Port Moresby

The inquiry into the Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL) has been taken over by an Independent Task Force Team.