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The other Indonesian Firing Squad

Free West Papua Campaign!!

The other Indonesian firing squad, trained by Australia and killing native papuans everyday.

Source: Free West Papua Campaign

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K780m Stolen: Why are services deteriorating?

Picture: Bad road conditions are halting transportation and business progress yet the K780 million stolen from the Finance Department could have paid for 80 sealed double lane feeder-roads and more.

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West Papua is Melanesia: Melanesia Spearhead Group say Yes

As part of its fight for Freedom and Independence, West Papua is applying for membership of the Melanesian Spearhead Group under the banner of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), a body that unifies the overwhelming number of resistance groups.

Please show your support to our Melanesian brothers and sisters of West Papua by sharing this campaign video to everyone. Be apart of the change you want to see, a change for the good of all people. Start with your family!

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Australia again wages war on its own people

It is appalling to learn that customary land-owners, the 'original' inhabbitants of the land, Australia, have become 'vulnerable populations'. Already denied the basic services most Australians take for granted, they are on notice of dispossession without consultation, and eviction at gunpoint. All this for large-scale mining which does not and has not benefited the Aboriginal people on whose land it takes place. 

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Restoration of people's rights and equalities

This is a good read for understanding the model of development that Papua New Guinea has adapted and the pros and cons of what we are dancing to today. This enlightens the forge of struggle tangled by a growing system of class and the thrive for profit making breathing life to corruption at all "elite" levels.

Source: JOHN FOWKE via PNG Exposed Blog

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Microbiology: why modern life is bad for your gut


Two more new studies confirm growing medical concerns that western lifestyle and highly processed diet destroys trillions of generally beneficial bacteria in our bodies, making us susceptible to lifestyle diseases :)

An argument that strengthens the position of land alienation causing dependency on western food? etc...

Source: FT Magazin

Photographs: Andrew Greenhill; iStock

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World's largest sovereign wealth fund takes stand against deforestation

We all could learn a lesson or two from Norway to take action to preserve our pristine and dense forests before extractive industries eat them all away and take away the very source that services oxygen for us. If the want for money can feast our greed, greed so big we'd rather make so much profit than live, than we definetly need to re-prioritise!

We need to start thinking responsibly. Thumbs up to Norway.


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Micah warns mining firms

It is amazing that Kavieng open member, Ben Micah is being vocal about puting extractive industries on notice to respect and protect the environment, when the experimental seabed mining project is in its preparation stage to begin in 2017 in waters that harbour New Irealand and New Britan.  Hopefully, this new legislative framework he is currently developing will be enough to shut down ESM in Papua New Guinea, if we really want to protect our environment.


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Bougainville mine now in play, government says


Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill. Source: News Corp Australia

Rowan Callick | The Australian via PNG Minewatch

The Bougainville Autonomous Government is convinced Bougainville Copper — which owns a mine containing copper and gold worth more than $50 billion, as well as a recently ­reconfirmed exploration licence — is now in play.

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What is Development?

This essay is part of a presentation made by Eddie Tanago for ACT NOW! at this week's Youth Smart Workshop organised by the Youth Against Corruption Association. The photo above shows some of the workshop participants.

What is development?

To answer this question we must understand our background/our history/our roots! Who we were as a country and region, in the past, how changes occurred and why they occurred.

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