Model of Development

'Struggling' Papua New Guinea should not be burdened with refugees, says Gillian Triggs

Papua New Guinea is a developing country that continues to struggle for its own people and yet we continue to accept the notions of devleoped countries, who push thier problems under our (PNG) carpets. When we begin to serve the rights of Papua New Guinean's then and only then will we be economically developed enough to service others.

Source: ABC News

Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs has criticised moves to resettle refugees on Papua New Guinea, describing the country as struggling.

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Potential for growth in PNG's spice industry still exists

Industries like the spice industry offer a great opportunity to get more people involved in the formal economy and fit perfectly with PNG Ways and the model of development set out in our Constitution...

Source: EMTV

Papua New Guinea’s potential to develop a large scale spice industry was again highlighted at the start of the Morobe show today.

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The Sustainable Development Goals: A Siren and Lullaby for our Times

Thomas Pogge and Alnoor Ladha |

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NRI research highlights need for greater local participation to improve governance and service delivery

The National Research Institute has published a discussion paper looking at how we can improve the currently very poor level of service delivery in PNG and the impact different systems of government can have on improving political governance.

The paper looks at the experiences of different countries around the world  to suggest some ways we can make improvements in PNG and concludes major changes like introducing a Presidential system of government are not needed.

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Fifty years of mining but all the wealth has disappeared into foreign hands leaving Bulolo with nothing

Bulolo was a major centre for Australian gold mining companies for 50 years from the 1930s. But the profits were all exported leaving Bulolo today in the same state it was when the first foreign miners arrived.

The gold in Bololo was so enticing, eight giant dredges were made in Australia and then broken down into small parts and flown to Bulolo. It took two-years for all the parts to be imported and reconstructed on site. 

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Vision 2050 'grossly misrepresents' our National Goals

The government's long-term strategic plan, Vision 2050, grossly misinterprets the National Goals and Directive Principles in our Constitution.

This is the major finding of a new study conducted by Patrick Kaiku from the University of Papua New Guinea.

"Vision 2050 ignores the visionary work of the Constitutional Planning Committee and does not embrace the five National Goals and Directive Principles enshrined in the Constitution", says Patrick Kaiku.

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Papua New Guinea's unemployed youth say the future they want begins with them

Every day the Tropical Gems can be seen taking charge of clearing and tidying civic spaces in Madang, a town on the north coast of the Papua New Guinean mainland. Credit: Catherine Wilson/IPS

Source: Catherine Wilson

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PM to launch factory in Nawaeb district

Looks like a great step ahead. Finally the Prime Minister is supporting an initiative that will definetly call for sustinance for the local population.

Source: Post Courier

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A Better Model of Development


In the period since 'Independence' in 1975 Papua New Guinea has become dominated by a foreign and imposed model of development based on unrestrained capitalism. This is a far cry from what was envisaged in our Constitution.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 
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Land grabbing

Both the SABL land grab and the growing number of violent urban evictions in Papua New Guines are the symptoms of a misguided and destructive model of development.

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