Model of Development

Vanuatu community advocates shocked by Port Moresby

Community advocates pose outside the door to the PNG Parliament Chamber

Four young community advocates from Vanuatu have been shocked by the conditions they have seen in Port Moresby and have vowed not to allow their own country to suffer a similar fate.

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Vanuatu community advocates arrive for exposure visit

Four young community advocates from Vanuatu have arrived in Papua New Guinea to learn more about the development issues facing the country and how they are being tackled.

They are being hosted by ACT NOW! who says the visit is aimed at raising regional awareness and building solidarity with other Melanesian countries. 

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Third anniversary of land grab report and other updates

Next week is the third anniversary of the Commission of Inquiry reports that exposed the mismanagement, negligence and corruption behind the huge SABL land grab.

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Small scale flower farming helps mothers in Eastern Highlands

A “floral chandelier” Inverted A-Line flower arrangement hanging from the ceiling. This unique flower arrangement is by Osa Amosa Floriculture business group

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Radical change needed to avoid cycles of bloodshed in PNG


Dr Kristian Lasslett, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Ulster University

The recent shooting of university students brings home the incredible contrast that exists between the streets and the suites in Papua New Guinea. Police bullets don’t mince words, nor should we.

Decades of research and inquiry have established time and time again that the elite corridors of power in government and business operate through corruption, violence and theft. Many complicit individuals populate the most senior levels of government. Fact.

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Disgraceful shootings of students must be promptly investigated

Injured student is rushed to emergency room in Port Moresby after police shot into crowd of peaceful protestors (Getty Images)

Source: Amnesty International

The shooting of students peacefully protesting in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, is a disgraceful attack on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression.

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Petition calls on Treasurer to investigate logging company tax evasion

A new on-line petition calling on Papua New Guinea’s Treasurer to launch an urgent investigation into the logging industry and its tax record has collected over 800 signatures in just 10 days.

The petition is a response by community advocacy group ACT NOW! to revelations most logging companies operating in Papua New Guinea avoid paying any corporate taxes, depriving the country of hundreds of millions of dollars in potential revenues.

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Government must act on international criticism over human rights

Civil society organisations are urging the Papua New Guinea government to take immediate action to end pervasive land grabbing and illegal logging after these issues were highlighted by governments around the world in formal recommendations put before the United Nations yesterday. (1)

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PNG government must act on international criticism over human rights abuses against its indigenous peoples

Civil society organisations are urging the Papua New Guinea government to take immediate action to end pervasive land grabbing and illegal logging after these issues were highlighted by governments around the world in formal recommendations put before the United Nations yesterday (1).

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