Model of Development

Government must seriously address illegal logging

Source: Cosmas Makamet, PNG Eco-Forestry Forum

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Losing Papua New Guinea's rainforest

Source: ABC News

An area of Papua New Guinea's internationally significant rainforests in excess of the size of Australia's entire Wet Tropics Heritage Area in north Queensland has been cleared or logged in the 10 years to 2014, a new report has found.

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Forest Minister incorrect over The Great Timber Heist

Forest Minister Douglas Torumiesa’s attack on a report alleging the logging industry is failing to pay hundreds of millions of Kina in taxes is full of errors.

“The Forest Minister’s statements attacking The Great Timber Heist are full of inaccuracies and must be challenged”, says ACT NOW! Program Manager, Effrey Dademo.

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Putting a halt to the great timber heist in Papua New Guinea

Source: The interpreter

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Demand Basic Services from the Government not the Company!

Providing rural roads is a government responsibility

As Papua New Guinea (PNG) approaches the next National Election (2017) it is important for everyone to be reminded that it is the responsibility of the government to provide all the basic services we need. It is not the role of private companies to be providing classrooms, health clinics and roads.

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The Constitution

Since 'Independence' in 1975 Papua New Guinea has become dominated by a foreign and imposed model of development based on unrestrained capitalism. This is a far cry from what was envisaged in our Constitution - as revealed in ACT NOW!'s analysis of Vision 2050.

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The Great Timber Heist: How Foreign Logging Companies Evade Taxes

Source: Oakland Institute

A new report released today, The Great Timber Heist: The Logging Industry in Papua New Guinea, exposes massive tax evasion and financial misreporting by foreign logging companies, allegedly resulting in nonpayment of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes.

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