
Judicial Conduct Bill 2012



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The Pangia Warrior and his Sandaun Sniper

Welcome to the amazing merry-go-round of PNG Politics! Be careful not blink because if you do BANG! the speed has increased but the security harness has been taken off.  This ride’s gotten scarier!

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O’Neill Shreds the Constitution and Takes Control of the Courts

Source: PNG Exposed Blog


Papua New Guinea has become an executive dictatorship after the government granted itself the power to suspend judges, the country’s opposition says.

The government’s move is being interpreted as a broadside against the nation’s Chief Justice, Sir Salamo Injia, following the leaking of court documents and the quashing of an investigation into his financial dealings.

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PNG passes law to suspend judges

Source: Australia Network News

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PNG faces test to capitalise on growth: envoy

Source: Australia Network News
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We See the Darkness of Neon Lights

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Nominations predicted to increase

By Simon Eroro - The Post Courier

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O’Neill: Fisheries in chaos



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Commission to declare land grab leases void: Namorong

Martyn Namorong* 

There are strong indications that several Land Grab Leases will be declared void by the Commission of Inquiry into Special Purpose Agriculture Business Leases, due to discreptencies in the process of land acquisition.

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15 Bridges, 3 Ships, a Politician and Polisyndrome

Today is Tuesday the 20th of March 2012, the current parliament is meant to be having its final session for the year 2012! Now how is that for excitement?! Usually the routine is that if you had an exciting weekend then the week should be relatively mediocre, alas it seems that this won’t be the case for us here in this wonderfully exciting country of ours.

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