
Mondiai vows to find out why cops beat up pregnant woman

Source: The National, Thursday 23rd Febuary 2012


POLICE will find out why six officers allegedly assaulted a seven-month pregnant woman then abandoned  her on a roadside.

Lae metropolitan commander Supt Nema Mondiai deplored the assault after the woman, Nora Duran, reported the matter to the police. He has advised Duran to lodge a formal complaint with the police ombudsman.

“I was not aware of this incident but I don’t condone such activities.

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Imposed model of development is neo-colonial

Martyn Namorong


Take a look at that child above: in theory he could have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, if his father owned the land that is now Port Moresby.

Instead, he lives in a slum. Literally living on top of shit.

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The long fight to regain land lost to SABLs has only just begun

By Martyn Namorong

Special Purpose Agriculture Business Leases (SABLs) are granted under sections 11 and 102 of the Land Act 1996. In other words these sections of the Land Act enable the conversion of customary land into SABLs.

The process by which that happens is roughly as follows.

An application is made by the landowners to the Lands Department in Port Moresby, for their land to be taken up under an SABL.

A Land Investigation Number is then given by the Land Department in Port Moresby.

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Locals fail to stop export of stolen logs

People from the Raicoast in Madang failed yesterday to get a court order to stop the export of logs which they say have been stolen from their traditional land.

Local leader, Fuguman Gau (brother of Madang governor James Gau) and his lawyer did not manage to get the court order they wanted in time to stop the shipment on Friday.

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Web of lies revealed as Sepik SABL hearings end

Martyn Namorong

The Commission of Inquiry into Special Purpose Agriculture business leases ended its hearings in Wewak yesterday. It heard further evidence related to Portion 144C, Sepik Oil Palm – Turubu SABL.

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Please help stop a new disaster in the Pacific - seabed mining

There is a new environmental and human rights catestrophy looming in the Pacific and we need to stop it happening!

Experimental seabed mining is being pushed by foreign companies despite the risks of an environmental disaster and the fact it is not a sustainable development option for indigenous peoples.

Civil society groups across the Pacific, inclusing ACT NOW!, are calling on our leaders to slow down on this dangerous and untried new industry - but we need YOUR support. 

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Landowners not happy with Turubu oil palm SABL

Martyn Namorong

Landowners from the Turubu and Saussi areas have submitted sworn affidavits to the Commission of Inquiry through their lawyer, Mr. Hubert Wali. These villagers are affected by the Sepik Oil Palm Project, Portion 144C COMMONLY REFFERED TO AS THE Turubu Oil Palm Project.

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Landowner company was de-registered when it received lease

Martyn Namorong

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Police to probe intimidation of PNG inquiry commissioner

Jemima Garrett

A Commission of Inquiry into disputed land leases in Papua New Guinea has referred executives of a land holding company to the police, after an incident of alleged intimidation against Commissioner, Nicholas Mirou.

Commissioner Nicholas Mirou referred four executives of Limoa Holdings, including its chairman Francis Yabarasa to police after an incident at the company's nursery site at Turubu in East Sepik province earlier this week. 

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What will happen to 5.2 million hectares of SABL land?

Martyn Namorong

Commissioner Nicholas Mirou continued o stress through the SABL hearings in Wewak, that the Land Act does not provide for the revocation of SABLs. The Land At 1996 provides at section 102 for the creation of Special Purpose Leases. Section 102 does not even specify where such leases should be owned by Papua New Guineans or Foreigners or both.

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