
Wisteria Lane Vs The Big Haus Tambaran

Life in Wisteria Lane (Desperate Housewives) and Manhattan’s Upper East Side (Gossip Girl) can’t get more exciting than life in Papua New Guinea! In case you aren't aware Papua New Guinea's 2012 National Elections scheduled to happen in nine weeks time might be postponed.

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Govt awaits decision from EC on polls

Source: Post Courier

THE national elections – only nine weeks away - will only be deferred on the advice from the PNG Electoral Commission and the Police. 

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill told Post-Courier that his Government or Parliament would not rush into deferring the national elections because of concerns surrounding the update of the common roll as well as security for the polls.

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TIPNG calls for polls to go ahead

TRANSPERANCY International PNG (TIPNG) wants the 2012 National Election to go ahead.

Source: Post Courier 

TIPNG chairman Lawrence Stephens stated that TI had taken this position because they were reliably informed that the electoral rolls were as ready as they had ever been and possibly more so.

It stated that it is extremely disappointing to hear that Members of Parliament are deliberately creating fear with the impression that PNG is less prepared than it has been in the past.

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PNG official says govt to monitor dissent


The Papua New Guinea government has launched a crackdown on "subversive" activity on the internet.

It has begun monitoring the internet and is urging citizens to dob in anyone spreading "malicious and misleading" anti-state information online and via text messages.

Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Peter O'Neill, Ben Micah, announced the initiative in the Port Moresby-based The National Newspaper on Monday.

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State may defer Poll

Source: The National, Monday 27th Febuary 2012

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Papua New Guinea's soldiers and cops victims of our failed model of development

By Martyn Namorong

Papua New Guinean film maker Scott Waide’s recent video (see below) featuring the squalid living conditions of police in the Madang Province, highlighted the humanity and fragileness of these men in blue in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

No doubt there are shit cops who in many ways have defined the way the public sees the police force. But when one is presented with shit living conditions yet chooses to continue to serve the public, surely such service is beyond “just doing one’s job”.

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Alarm among PNG media over monitoring plans

From Radio New Zealand

A media advocate in Papua New Guinea says journalists are shocked and nervous after an official in the office of prime minister, Peter O’Neill, announced that people expressing what he called subversive views would be dealt with.

The official, Ben Micah, says a monitoring committee will be set up to look at the spreading of malicious and misleading information through social media, which he says would be regarded as a serious crime.

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No site visit before lease issued for Ramu SABL

A Filipino national who is acting as a consultant for a Malaysian logging company operating in the Ramu has told the SABL Commission of inquiry that no site visit was done before a Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) was granted.

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SABL: Over to you at the big Haus Tambaran

There are diverse issues that concern individual Papua New Guineans in different ways, but the one issue that will always be of great cultural and emotional significance to all of us is our land. Taking away someone’s land or their right to it, is as good as amputating all four of their limbs.

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Stopping the land theft in the Ramu

Melchior Warre, a Papagraun (customary landowner) from Papua New Guinea's Madang Province, is attending a commission of inquiry investigation hearing into the use of Special Agriculture Leases (SABLs).

In this video clip Mel says why his Ramu People are against 99-year Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL). 

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