
Rausim SABL landholder tell Commission of Inquiry

By Martyn Namorong

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Rai Coast landowners want justice over illegal logging

By Dorotea Saidor

A company is illegally logging on land on the Rai coast in Madang without the consent of local people and is exporting their logs.

The illegal logging is happening at Bongu Village, Block 1 Raicoast, Astrolabay, Madang Province (near the crash site for Airlines PNG, Madang)

The logging contractor, G&S Limited, is blatantly and openly logging and cutting logs without consent from the landowners.

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New video: Rising from the rubble. The theft of Oro Restoration funds

"Five years after the Cyclone Guba disaster devastated the Oro Province, Many of the province's vital transport infrastructure remain in ruin. Many people continue to live in care centers and face water shortages and other difficulties 

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East Sepik hearings due to begin

Martyn Namorong

The Commission of inquiry into the Special Agriculture Business Leases in the East Sepik Province, is set to begin hearings tomorrow morning (Wednesday). The venue is the Council Chambers at Dagua.

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Volunteer doctor reveals the shocking truth about violence against women in Papua New Guinea

DR Julia Stinshoff has worked for a year at a centre in Papua New Guinea that gives survivors of domestic and sexual violence psychosocial and medical support.

She talks about her work at the centre run by international medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in Tari, Hela. The centre runs an operation theatre.

“We see a lot of fractures, lacerations, soft-tissue injuries as well as open wounds. These injuries are mostly the result of women being beaten by their husbands or immediate families,” Stinshoff said.

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Facebook is bringing a seismic shift in Papua New Guinea politics

By Jo Chandler

About 1pm on Thursday, the ''Twitter'' drums started beating out news of the latest disaster to befall Papua New Guinea - reports that the passenger ferry MV Rabaul Queen had sunk early that morning in wild seas en route from the island of West New Britain to the mainland port of Lae.

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Somare has left Papua New Guinea a broken nation

By Allan Patience* 

Sydney Morning Herald  

THE primary cause of the recent ''mutiny'' by sections of the Papua New Guinea defence force is a mix of soldiers' anger overlow pay, their substandard living conditions, associated low morale, and grudges against some of their senior officers.

This has led some of them to back Sir Michael Somarein his quest for his reinstatement as prime minister, naively believing that the dishonoured promises of the past will somehow be honoured this time around.

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Expert speaks out on impacts of SABL logging

ABC Radio

One of the world's leading tropical biologists says clear felling of forests on Papua New Guinea's controversial Special Agricultural and Business leases is likely to have profound impact on PNG's environment.

Logging on SABLs has pushed PNG's log exports into record territory. In 2011, 650,000 cubic metres of logs were exported from SABLs.

A prominent scientist in tropical biology says the environmental impact of this sort of logging is very significant.

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Lest we forget. More coverage needed of LNG landslide disaster

LNG Watch

While LNG Watch is doing its best - with no financial resources - to contact local residents, report on their concerns, and relay vital information from key experts, the press is entranced with mutinies in Port Moresby.

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Big jump in log exports due to SABLs

Australia's Chief Climate Commissioner, Time Flannery, says Australia needs to be concerned about record tropical log exports from Papua New Guinea. 

Latest figures from the world's biggest scientific testing and verification company show PNG exported 3.5 million cubic metres of tropical hardwood logs in 2011 - well above the previous record of 3 million cubic metres.

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