
Cops Threaten to Blow up journo

Source: Post Courier 


A journalist was assaulted and threatened to be blown up with a hand grenade by police in Port Moresby yesterday.
Patrick Talu, a young journalist and the Business Editor for the South Pacific Post (Post-Courier) was shown a hand grenade by a policeman who was armed with an M16 rifle and ordered to leave Unagi Oval or he would be blown up with the hand grenade.

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Police use teargas to clear PNG landowner protest

Updated 6 March 2012, 21:07 AEST

Liam Fox, Port Moresby

Police in Papua New Guinea's capital have used tear gas and fired shots in the air to clear a crowd of angry land owners.

There were rowdy scenes outside the building that houses the Prime Minister's department in Port Moresby.

Hundreds of land owners from PNG's Southern Highlands gathered there demanding the government pay them millions of dollars in outstanding grants.

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Cops Back at Log Camp


Source: Post Courier

Tue March 6, 2012

Have police gone against a direct order not to be deployed at logging camps?

It seems the picturesque Jacquinot Bay in the West Pomio area of East New Britain Province has not seen the last of them yet.

Information received from prominent local landowner Paul Pavol yesterday was that up to four policemen are back at the logging camp at Drina.

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Oro landowners unaware of SABL leases

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Mudslinging, Playground Brawls and Verbal Diarrhea

"Papua New Guinea has an abundance in natural resources, but poor governance and corruption have prevented this wealth from reaching ordinary citizens.”

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New interactive website shows villages affected by the SABL land grab

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Foreigners false promises dressed up as economic development are destroying us

Gary Juffa


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Papua New Guinea's new media underground

By Andrew Pascoe*

The cards seem firmly stacked against optimism on the streets of Papua New Guinea at the moment. It’s a bad sign in an election year, with little confidence evident that the outcome will correct our Pacific neighbour’s course from the particularly rocky path it’s taken in recent months.

But here — like elsewhere in the developing world where obscene power disparity is mobilising the masses — a wellspring of resistance is brewing.

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2012 Elections Will Proceed

Source: Post Courier, Wednesday 29th February

THE Papua New Guinea 2012 General Elections will proceed as planned. 

Already 75 percent of the Electoral Roll is complete – the remaining 25 percent should be completed in two months.

PNG Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen announced this yesterday yesterday adding “the Election 2012 will proceed as required by the National Constitution” and that the preparations were on schedule.

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Namah: Give me 12 months

Source: The National, 01st March 2012


DEPUTY Prime Minister Belden Namah has announced that parliament is looking at deferring the general election for 12 months to allow the government to fully implement its major po­licies.

He said if he had the support of the prime minister, he would use all his resources to ensure Peter O’Neill was returned as prime minister after the election.

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