
Rabaul Shipping services to Bougainville suspended


RABAUL Shipping’s services to Buka and other ports in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have been suspended indefinitely.
In a letter to Rabaul Shipping owner Peter Sharp, Transport Minister Francis Awesa advised him the suspension was effective as of March 21.

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EITI to probe flaws in mine payouts

via Post Courier online

A new NRI report based on a case study on the Porgera Gold Mine has highlighted the need for a probe into the current payment system.

The report by Peter Johnson recommends the need for EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) to look at the flaws in the current payment system and pave way for transparency.

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Unitech to boycott classes tomorrow over Judicial Bill


STUDENTS from the University of Technology in Lae will boycott classes tomorrow following absolute majority support gained by the Students Representative Council (SRC) for the Judicial Conduct Act to be repealed.

The SRC on Monday this week announced that it had given its full backing to their sister universities around the country to condemn the newly passed Act.

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Cameron's historic dive reinforces importance of marine environment in PNG

via Radio New Zealand International 

A Papua New Guinea social media practitioner says James Cameron’s historic diving mission has reinforced a message about the need to research and respect the undersea environment.

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Holey Ground

Yesterday I felt a tremendous sense of pride and maybe a little relief while observing the University of Papua New Guinea Student Representative Council (SRC) Executives give their statements to the press. We can breathe a little easier folks-it looks like the next generation will be getting a better deal when it comes to ‘LEADERS’, because that’s what these young men and women are handling themselves like ‘LEADERS’.

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Where Women Fear to Tread

By Jo Chandler, Sydney Morning Herald

Social breakdown means that rape, beatings and even murder are the daily reality of women's lives in PNG, as a new UN investigation confirms.

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Violence rife in PNG: UN


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Commission needs K1mil for awareness on Judicial Conduct law

From The National

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Student leader dismisses regionalism claims by Attorney General

Radio New Zealand: The Papua New Guinea university student leader who led a protest last week over the controversial Judicial Conduct Act dismisses claims by the Attorney General Allan Marat that the action is prompted by students from Enga Province.

Dr Marat says the bill, rushed through Parliament last week, will better define the role and conduct of judges.

It follows repeated efforts by the government to suspend Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia, who is from Enga.

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Address by the Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O'Neill

Sunday 25 March 2012 15:40

Source: PNG Perspective

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