
PNG govt calls on judges to resign

By: Eoin Blackwell, AAP 

Papua New Guinea’s Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah has called on three judges, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, to resign.

In a full-page press statement in the Port Moresby-based The National newspaper, Mr Namah accuses Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia and Justices Nicholas Kirriwom and George Manuhu of “judicial corruption”.

Mr Namah also calls for the resignation of the registrar of the Supreme and National courts.

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The Pacific Pivot


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Inquiry: Ferry probe starts within 10 days


The National, Monday 19th March 2012

THE Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of passenger ferry mv Rabaul Queen is likely to get under way in the next 10 days now that its funding has been confirmed.

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Mr Namah, Mr O'Neil, Environ-mentalists, Mud and other Paraphernalia

So it’s the end of another eventful week in Papua New Guinea. It seems scandal has made a new home here! From the wonderfully talented but somewhat confused environmentalist that works for a Canadian mining company (tsk tsk tsk-kids these days!) to the gifted far throwing politicians that can pitch a lot of mud all the while being bogged down in it.

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Economist Says No LNG Earnings Unitl 2023


The National, Wednesday 14th March 2012


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Tentative Election Program 2012

Tentative Election Program 2012 
Source: Facebook (PNG Election 2012)

The ELECTORAL COMMISSION hereby announces to the general public the Tentative Election Program for the 2012 National Parliament General Elections as follows:

1. Issue of Writs: Friday 27th April, 2012 (4:00pm)
2. Nominations Close: Friday 04th May, 2012 (4:00pm)
3. Polling Starts: Saturday 23rd June, 2012
4. Polling Ends: Friday 06th July, 2012
5. Return of Writs of or before: Friday 27th July, 2012

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Lack of funds from PNG Government jeopardising Rabaul Queen disaster inquiry

Source: PNGexposed blog

Radio New Zealand

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Informal Markets Can Tackle Poverty and Empower Women,

By Dr Yunxian Wang and Dr Kyoko Kusakabe

RECENTLY vendors in the Papua New Guinea (PNG) city of Lae took its city council to court arguing that the city’s urban municipal athority has only regulatory power in line with health standards, not the power to ban the markets within vendors’ premises (The National, January 27, 2012). It shows in any democratic society, powerless people have the channel to express their grievances. At the same time, it indicates the debates on informal markets do not remain just in theoretical circle.

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Our Pacific Ways

Our Pacific Ways reflects on Our Pacific traditions for inspiration to move Our Pacific People forward.

It challenges the current systems of exploitation and asks: What if we did things Our Pacific Way?

What if we told you that Our Ancestors were the best navigators using the sun and the stars to travel the Liquid Continent?

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Pacific NGOs call on their govts to follow NT lead and ban experimental seabed mining

The Northern Territory Government of Australia has announced a temporary ban on seabed mining in its coastal waters until 2015.  ACT NOW! and the Pacific Network on Globalisation are calling on all Pacific Island Governments to follow the leadership of the NT Government and announce a similar ban in the Pacific.

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