
Circus continues


Belated Happy Easter folks!

It seems the circus has begun but alas the Ringmaster seems to be out! All hell has broken loose! Cirque du Soleil you aint got NUTHIN on us!!!!

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Parlt, bench clash

Parliament refers judges


PARLIAMENT yesterday referred Papua New Guinea’s Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia and Justice Nicholas Kirriwom to the Head of State. 
This means that the Head of State – Governor General Sir Michael Ogio- is now required to set up a tribunal to investigate alleged judicial misconduct - an unprecedented development in the country’s short history. 

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June election on, says PM

Source:  The National

PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has reassured Australian deputy opposition leader Julie Bishop that the general election will be held as scheduled in June.

Bishop is on an official visit to Papua New Guinea, accompanied by parliamentary colleagues from the Queensland state government. They are expected to visit Bougainville later.

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2000 resign to contest polls

Source: Post Courier online

ABOUT 2000 public servants throughout the country have resigned in the last five years and six months to contest the elections.

Department of Personnel Management office advised the Post Courier yesterday that the figures will have to be finalized but preliminary records detailed that close to 2000 public servants throughout the nation had handed in their resignation five years ago, four years ago, three years and even two years ago including six months ago to contest the upcoming elections.

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Nape certifies Judicial Bill


SPEAKER Jeffrey Nape has certified the Judicial Conduct Act 2012. 
It is now law. This is despite assurances by the Government that the law would be subjected to a wider consultation throughout Papua New Guinea by the instituted Constitutional Law Reform Commission (CLRC) before a final outcome is expected.

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Polye: State spent more last year

via The National

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Remembering another PNG Defence Force call out

The International State Crime Initiative’s Dr Kristian Lasslett draws on his research into the Bougainville conflict to analyse the government’s recent decision to deploy PNGDF troops in the Southern Highlands.

It is almost twenty three years ago to the day, since the PNGDF was sent to Bougainville by Papua New Guinea’s National Executive Council. They were deployed to help the RPNGC restore law and order, following an anti-mine uprising.

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NRI says SABL deprives landowners of wealth creation

By Shirlyn Belden

Special Agriculture Business Leases in Papua New Guinea are said to be depriving customary landowners of opportunities to create wealth and self-development.  

According to the National Research Institute and National Land Development Programme, the work and effect of SABL since its introduction has been contradicting the two recent amendments through the Land Group Incorporation (Amendment) Act and Land Registration (Customary) (Amendment) Act 2009. 

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Morobe to challenge law in court


THE Morobe provincial government plans to refer the controversial Judicial Conduct Act to the Supreme Court. The provincial executive committee will meet today to consider a submission on the referral. The bill was rushed through parliament in a space of 24 hours and passed in a 63-7 vote.

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Troops called to LNG sites

The National, Thursday 29th March 2012

A CALL-OUT order has been effected for PNG Defence Force troops to be deployed at LNG project sites in Southern Highlands. The National Executive Council gave the approval last night. The soldiers would assist police restore law and order in the province. Prime Minister Peter O’Neill had indicated earlier that a state-of-emergency would be imposed in Southern Highlands but that had been downgraded to a call-out after receiving advice from the National Security Advisory Committee.

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