
Illegal Land Grabbing Must Stop: Juffa

THE continuous illegal grabbing of land in Port Moresby must stop and the offenders be brought to justice, says former Customs Commissioner Gary Juffa. 
Mr Juffa, who recently quit his job to contest the Oro Regional seat in this general election, said there was a syndicate existing in government departments that conspire and manipulate official documents to satisfy certain individuals and foreign companies they favour without considering the local people that are often devastated by their actions. 

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Aid Program in the Pacific a Failure: Senior Australian Expert in Development


Call for rethink on aid policy in Pacific

By Campbell Cooney

A senior Australian expert in development says Australia's aid program in the Pacific is a failure, and should be re-thought.

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Sleeping in the open Vs Openly sleeping


Affinity!!! Affinity to other Papua New Guineans, affinity to other Melanesians and affinity to the land that we depend on to live and live to depend on. That particular caring or nosiness (as certain non-Melanesians have termed it), that particular quality is our *pasin. It defines a minute part of our Melanesian-ness to find *wantoks everywhere and anywhere we go.

That ability to be 'affinitive' used to protect us from poverty, homelessness, abandonment and provided us with a security that no social welfare network could equate.

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Court Restrains Logging on Local Land


THE National Court has granted Turubu landow­ners of portion 144C a restraining order to stop any further logging on their customary land.

They were not happy with the improper acquisition of their land by the state and the developers for Special Agricultural Business Lease purposes.

The order restrains Sepik Oil Palm Plantations Ltd, Limavo Holdings Ltd and Wewak Agriculture Development Ltd from carrying out any further logging over the whole of the Turubu customary lands until the final determination of the proceedings.

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Candidates and Flies; their unmentioned relationship

There’s a riddle that goes, “What am I? You may not always see me but you always know I where I am. I always have hundreds of soldiers guarding me no matter what time of the day or night it is. What am I?” and of course the answer is “An outhouse, the dunny, the loo, toilet.” Whatever you want to call the place where you carry out your ablutions.

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This was not an eviction it was a crime - The Paga Hill demolition

Dr Kristian Lasslett*

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Why I Give 'bout Paga Hill

By Scott Waide

The Paga hill story isn’t just about the demolition of houses and the displacement of families.

It is not about "stupid, uneducated people who should go back to their villages.” No. It’s about a global profit driven economic and political system that dictates that profits are far more important than human lives.

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Inquiry Reveals Shady SABL Deals

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A Measure of Development

‘A hive of activity’ and ‘a storm brewing’ are two phrases that have different connotations, one simply  meaning a lot happening and the other implying the situation about to get volatile. But both to do with many things happening in close proximity. Well how about inside one’s head, one’s thoughts for proximity?

Inside my head there has been ‘a hive of activity’ and at one stage you could have even said that ‘trouble was brewing’ because of one statement that really hit home because it was said by someone whose opinion is of great value to me.

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The SABLs Fight is Far From Over

via Post Courier p. 17

Landowners are committed to fight against the Pomio SABLs despite a court ruling yesterday. Pomio landowners are disappointed at yesterday's Supreme Court ruling that upheld the appeal by Memalo Holdings, the landowner company holding the two disputed  SABLs in West Pomio, but have resolved to continue their fight.

The full bench of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Memalo Holdngs in their appeal against the Judicial Review by landowners opposing the SABLs, due to the delay in making the Court application.

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