
PNG Members of Legal Profession Petition

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Harmless Radiation Found Far From Fukushima Coast

Months on from the Fukushima nuclear accident, radioactivity has been found in one of the Pacific Oceans most iconic Fish – the Blue Fin Tuna.                                                            

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Snapshot of Today's Circus


Short and sweet for today folks! A snapshot of the utter craziness at the Haus Tambaran just got to a whole new level! Forget all other feats of craziness that the Sandaun Sniper together with his Pangia Warrior have managed …this one takes the cake AND don’t worry you can eat it too!!!

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Global Corporate Fascism i.e. Public Private Partnerships

Deceit, Deception and Distortion


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Autonomous Bougainville Government on Fact Findiing Mission


via The Jet Newspaper (Fiji)

A group of senior officials from the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) will visit the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs and its affiliated statutory bodies this week.

The ABG is the government of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, which was established in 2000 following a peace agreement between the Government of Papua New Guinea and the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA).

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Money making 'OUR' way

By Scott Waide


Samap village in Papua New Guinea’s East Sepik province

is like many other places in in the country - isolated and without road access.  It lies in a tiny secluded bay facing the Bismarck Sea. The village houses stand on ancient rickety posts bearing withering sago thatch roofs.

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Growing pains

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‘making a change for the better’ AND ‘making some better change’

Yesterday I was having a really interesting discussion with someone on the PMV bus home from work, suddenly one of those election candidate’s convoy’s jolted us into silence with that loud, annoying (and totally POINTLESS) music.

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Paga Hill could 'literally' explode

via Post Courier

Lawyers representing the Paga Hill settlers that were devastated from an eviction exercise carried out recently fear the whole hill in Port Moresby could explode if the company is not careful in its eviction and demolition exercise that is currently underway. 

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Australia You Are Not A Good Friend

Papua New Guineans are sick and tired of Australia's attitude to them.

By Martyn Awayang Namorong

I'M ON my first visit to Australia right now - and what an introduction to your country. A two-week run of four major cities where I'm meeting politicians, journalists and ordinary Australians.

I'm trying to help foster a relationship between Papua New Guineans and Australians beyond business, politics, diplomacy and academia.

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