
World's Largest Butterfly Disappearing From Papua New Guinea Rainforests

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PNG Commission Told of Land Thefts

by Jemima Garrett

Millions of hectares of customary land in Papua New Guinea has been stolen as a result of agricultural and business leases approved by the government, a report by Greenpeace has found.

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Thinkers, Resources, Battles

In life we go through many battles. That is a given. Epic battles, short battles, long battles, little insignificant battles and the most painful battles are those that you fight internally.

Those battles are usually the ones where we don’t realize we’re fighting until we get injured or injure someone. It’s harder to see where the battle lines are and who or where the enemy is. In these battles the black and white is indistinguishable and you end up seeing more grey areas. Though it is vital to make the distinction and there is no space for error.

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Long Tuhat Bilong Mipla

Samap village in PNG's East Sepik province is like many other places in the country - isolated and without road access. But despite their isolation, a transformation driven by a small group of businessmen is putting Samap's community on a path to becoming self-made millionaires. The people have taken control of their land and are becoming leaders in the Buai (betelnut, areca) trade. They're making almost a million kina every year by trading with buai buyers from Papua New Guinea's highlands.

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The Power of Colour

Papua New Guinea. Thirty seven years on and we are still being treated and treating fellow Papua New Guineans like second-class citizens in our own country. Do you agree? Maybe, maybe not.

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MY PAGA HILL...a contemporary Art Show

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National Essay Competition

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Campaign against experimental seabed mining gathers strength

The campaign against experimental seabed mining in the Pacific is building up a great momentum, but we still need your support to ensure a positive outcome.

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PNG Mining Head Reiterates Need for Economic Diversity

via Radio New Zealand International

The executive director of Papua New Guinea’s Chamber of Mines and Petroleum says the only way of guarding against fluctuating commodity prices is by diversifying the economy.

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Rio +20 Updates

UPDATE: Wednesday 20 June 2012

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