
Miners Owe East Timor Millions in Unpaid Taxes

via Radio Australia News

Potentially billions of dollars of tax is being withheld from the government of East Timor by some of the world's richest oil and gas companies operating in the Timor Sea, Four Corners has revealed.


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200 Researchers Will Explore Papua New Guinea from October 2012

While our government is allowing Nautilus to hurriedly extract minerals from a depth of 1600m in the Bismark Sea in the year 2013, another group (and a less intrusive one too) is heading to study and collate data on the biodiversity in that same sea at a depth of 1200m! This group even plans to sink artificial coral this year October and head back December 2013 to collect these specimens for further research.  Read the article below to find out more...

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SEAir Eyes Flights to PNG

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The Rising Tide in PNG


When I first began writing here on this page I made a rule to myself to keep out as much of my  personal emotions as possible. You know, to write about the important issues of national concern, issues that all Papua Niugineans could debate and discuss.

 So far, it’s been pretty good. The socio-economic and political issues have been flowing and there hasn't’t been any shortage of material for writing. In the last couple of weeks though, it’s been harder and harder to keep emotions off.

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Land Leasing an issue in Vanuatu too

Does this report from Vanuatu in the Vanuatu Dailey Digest sound sickeningly familiar to you?

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Five Hundred Vs Five Million

The weekend is nigh and today is all about the number FIVE!

Five million Kina versus five hundred Kina, or K 5000 000 & K500. They don’t sound so different when you say them. They both have the number five and a couple of zero's attached to the end, BUT one has six zeroes and the other two but who's counting right? WRONG!!!! When you jot down those figures you, really look at them that you realize the difference is ridiculously obvious!

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How and Why Nautilus is insulting & defiling the sanctity of my Lavongai belief system.



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Alternate Realities of ESM

Alternate realities. Two or more possible realities. Well that’s the way I choose to interpret it. The stuff that science fiction movies are made of. In this case we are talking about science (and a touch of economics) but these realities are a far cry from fiction.

So let’s begin. This reality has that Mista Prime Minista O’Neill and his cabinet have decided that PNG will not wait for further research because the Environmental Impact Assessment carried out by Coffey Natural Systems for Nautilus Inc is relevant and thorough.

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Oro SABL queried

By Jacob Pok (Post Courier)

The Collingwood Bay people of Oro Province have supported the call by National Research Institute director, Dr Thomas Webster, to stop the continuous granting of Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL).

They want clarifications on the recent granting of SABLs on portion 143C and 113C in the Collingwood Bay area in Oro Province.

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