
SABL Report to be Presented Soon

Source: The National

AN interim report on the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL) will be presented to cabinet and the prime minister at the end of this month, a lawyer said. Alois Jerewai, one of the three commissioners inquiring into SABLs, said yesterday in a statement that the final report was expected to be released a few weeks after the interim report.

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The East New Britain Sosel Eksen Komiti (ENBSEK) and concerned citizens of East New Britain have organised and are staging a march against Seabed Mining.

Where: From the Kalabond Field to the     Kokopo Market

When:   Thursday 11th October 2012

Why:   This is to express their concerns and to petition their Provincial and National MPs to take a stand against the progress of what is obviously a potentially destructive experiment.

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Our Pacific Ways National Essay Competition Winners!!!!

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Fiji Business Welcomes Tariff Cuts


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Diversely united

"Bzz!" "Bzz!" "Bzz!"

I couldn't quite discern

I paid more attention

"Yezz!" "ZZno!" "MMmaybe!"

Is what I could make out

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Champion of Aborigines Gummi Fridriksson 'evicts' PNG's Poor

The following article via The Australian is the most recent development in the Paga Hill saga (The Forced Eviction at Paga Hill - A Brief History of Portion 1597 Granville)

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PNG Facing 'urgent' Teacher Shortage

via Radio Australia

Papua New Guinea's Teaching Commission Service says teachers are taking two classes to compensate for shortage of trained professionals.

It estimates that 5,000 teaching jobs currently need to be filled.


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Band-aids and Healthcare in PNG


Oh Friday – beautiful Friday, should be thinking good thoughts and giving out good vibes but all I can think of is:

The look of illness. Sometimes you actually feel sicker just from looking at filth and hopelessness.

You walk into Port Moresby General Hospital and the first you notice is how unclean, how unhygienic and dirty everywhere looks. The benches, to the hospital equipment, the floors and let’s not even mention the state of the amenities!

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Paradox: Richest Land, Poorest People


The air I breathe,

The food I eat,

The water I drink,

Hey I’m alive,

Then along you came,

Turned my whole universe inside out – topsy turvy!

The air I breathe – NOT ENOUGH!

Constantly outta breath!

The food I eat – hmmmmm…nah!

Harder to find food now!

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Singh Welcomes Ideas From Mining Inspectors’ Meet

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