
Worrying Return of Chequebook Diplomacy in South Pacific

Source: The National Business Review

by Nathan Smith


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O'Neill: Australian Economist Ross Garnaut 'unwelcome' in PNG

Source: Radio Australia

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, says leading Australian economist Ross Garnaut is not welcome in PNG.



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Police Nab Lands Officer Over Land (SABL to UDL)


DEPUTY Registrar of Lands title Benjamin Samson has been arrested and charged by police for official corruption.

He was arrested and charged on Friday following a complaint by landowners from Hanuabada in relation to a land on Burns Peak beside the Poreporena Freeway.

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Juffa: SABL...a Way to Continue Logging



MORE than 11% of Papua New Guinea forests have been subject to Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL), Northern Governor Gary Juffa says.

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Diana Tuna, Roots Rice and My Conscience

One 1Kg Roots Rice, two tins of Diana between nine to fifteen people. Gordons, 4mile, Waigani, Hohola, Tokarara, 6mile, Koki or Gerehu bus stops. 

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Proposed Laws on NGOs to Be Introduced

Wonder what has brought these proposed legislations on? What breaches have 'non-governmental organizations ' carried out - specifically what or whose laws have they breached?

At the end of the day the so-called LEADERS in the Big Haus Tambaran at Waigani must remember that they are only a minority in this country of over 7 million Papua Niugineans. They must also remember that they are accountable and answerable to Papua Niugineans NOT the other way around!!!

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SABL land grab - Public Notice

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PNG Landowners Threaten to Interrupt Royal Visit

Source: Radio Australia

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill says this weekend's royal visit will not be disrupted despite threats by landowners to interrupt their arrival.

Mr O'Neill says the visit by England's Prince Charles and his wife Camilla will go ahead as planned despite threats by landowners to close Jacksons International airport in Port Moresby.

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Not Just “Criminals”

by International State Crime Initiative - A response to the Paga Hill Development Company (29 October 2012)


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The Our Pacific Ways 2012 Essay Competition High School Winner ~ Stephanie Paraide

Safe guarding resources for future generations

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a mountainous, rainforest covered country located on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, the New Ireland, New Britain, Bougainville islands and other smaller islands. Papua New Guinea shares its land borders with Indonesia to the east, Australia to the south and the Solomon Islands to the south-east. It is also a country richly blessed with natural resources.

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