
Media Release: Act Now! Backs The Promised ICAC

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The Davos World Economic Forum and Pacific Land Rights

The below report from Radio Australia News goes one step further in emphasizing the point that we have been trying to make. If only those that we appointed to represent us in that prime Haus Tambaran over at Waigani really paid attention and really did their research they wouldn't be fooled so easily.

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The SABL Delusion

 Special Purpose Agricultural Business Lease or SABL

In case you are in the dark what an SABL is, as the name implies is a special lease that was provisioned for under Section 11 of the Land Act (1996)

 ‘the Minister may lease customary land for the purpose of granting a special agricultural and business lease’

This lease was supposed to give traditional landowners economic benefits from the rent and employment opportunities created by those businesses that leased land from them.

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Sustainable Development After Rio+20 is 'in limbo'



by Jan Piotrowski

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Sir Puka Seeks Blessing


Seems like the more one tries to look at other issues of national interest, the more the whole 'Illegal Air Traffic Movement' issue hits your over the head and looks at you almost eye-ball to eye-ball!

Today's commentary was supposed to be on PNG's overall performance on the Open Budget Survey which was presented at the Institute of National Affairs boardroom today. VERY interesting discussions that need to be elaborated on further, tomorrow we will elaborate on who was there and what was said.

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PM: Procedures Were followed

The continuation of the Suspicious Air Traffic movement saga from The National...

O’Neill, at a media conference at Morauta Haus attended by heads of departments of customs, transport, civil aviation, police, immigrations and other agencies, said according to the investigations by respective agencies, including police, the plane had met all requirements and that there was no illegality about its landing.

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Suspicious Air Traffic Movement...

Suspicious Air Traffic Movement... Or Alien Air Traffic Movement…better yet – Illegal Air Traffic Movement!

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SABL, Forest Clearance not Captured in Plan


Source: The National

THE controversial Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) and forest clearance will not be captured in the national forest plan undergoing review, the National Forest Service says.

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PM Puts a Stop to All Overseas Trips

Oh how wonderful that our infant government has taken a baby step in the right direction at last!

From Tuesday's Post Courier

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has announced a moratorium on overseas travels for Ministers, heads of departments, government agencies and statutory bodies, as well as provincial administrators.

The announcement yesterday is part of a National Executive Council decision made during its meeting last week.

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The Art of Diplomacy

Diplomacy. People associate the word with foreign policy, international relations, economic ties and men and women in business attire, shaking hands, signing agreements and university degree holders.

Such an elaborate sounding word, when really it’s the simple art of negotiating. “I have something you want and you have something I want so let us sit down, have a chat and impress and try to woo each other!” and at the end of it the better negotiator will have the better end of the bargain.

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