
Australian mining companies fall short on gaining consent from the world’s Indigenous peoples: report by Oxfam Australia


Source: Oxfam Australia

The vast majority of Australian mining, oil and gas companies have no clear public commitment to gain the consent of Indigenous peoples before commencing projects on their land, according to a new report.

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Temu: PNG Gets Windfall From Resource Projects

Which planet has he been on I wonder? Oh that's right he gets to see the money before it is squandered away by all those at the top of the resource income food chain, because as far as translating into tangible socio-economic development for the PNG as a whole - there's just a whole heap of hot air happening.



From The National By GYNNIE KERO

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CS Commissioner Says it Will Cost K4 million for Kapris Recapture Operations

Source: EMTV News

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A 'C' For Good Effort in saying 'No More Tax Holidays' Mr Prime Minister

When I read the article titled "Govt Puts Stop to Tax Holidays" in todays Post Courier it made me think of my mission yesterday afternoon, to attend the National Haus Krai which is about end right about now (3pm).

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Capitalism is killing our morals, our future

In a Market Society, everything is for sale...

Paul B. Farrell | Wall Street Journal

Yes, capitalism is working ... for the Forbes 1,000 Global Billionaires whose ranks swelled from 322 in 2000 to 1,426 recently. Billionaires control the vast majority of the world’s wealth, while the income of American workers stagnated.

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Govt and SOPAC ignoring communities in rush for ESM

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Pacific Leaders Reject World Bank, NZ Push to Free Up Trade

Oh let the heavens rejoice - there is hope!

A candle is flickering in the darkness and for it to become a stable giver of light - more Pacific People must acknowledge the truth and share it.

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...meanwhile Electoral Commissioner cites there is "K15 million unsettled poll bills"

Here's another twist to the 'K50 million for Fiji Elections' saga, actually this can be described as 'feeling the salt being rubbed into the wound' if you ponder on it.

Last week we heard how Mista Prime Minista had kindly agreed to aid Fiji in its 2014 'democratic' elections. Seems the majority of ministers and businessmen saw the positives of PNG doing this and those of us who thought it ridiculous were only a few.

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AusAID: K1.1bil Well Spent

See the irony?



Source: The National By MALUM NALU

AUSAID deputy director-general James Batley says the A$490 million (K1.1 billion) in its 2013 budget for Papua New Guinea is being well spent.

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K50m For Fiji Elections

Is it just me or does anyone else see the irony of our aid-needy government aiding the government of Fiji with K50 million?  Especially when a majority of our major health centers are in urgent need of renovation, medical supplies and qualified health workers? Not to mention the number of critical bridges and roads that need urgent repair in order to boost the rural economy and deliver much needed goods and services! Funnier still wasn’t lack of adequate funding one of the core reasons our very own elections had so many hiccups?

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