
Marine Habitats at Risk

Wow! Three cheers for East New Britain's Mista Gavana Ereman Tobaining Jnr on highlighting a few of the threats to marine habitats BUT he overlooked or forgot to mention one of the biggest threats to the marine habitats closest to his constituency - don't know about Mista Gavana but if my home where near the Nautilus Solwara 1 Project I'd be noting it specifically as a potential threat not just the ones listed in the article by ABIGAIL APINA in todays National newspaper.

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First national workshop on marine resources

Source: The Post Courier


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And The Pendulum Swings...

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SABL concepts and ILG "unreliable"

Source: The National

THE concepts of Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL) and incorporated land groups (ILGs) are unreliable and should not be used for land reforms, an advocate said. 

Director for Communal Land Development Dr Onne Rageau urged the National Land Development Programme and the government to instead engage customary law in land reforms. 

He said the incorporated land group concept was confusing and a major impediment to customary land development. 

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Logging industry leads in widespread forced labour and sexual exploitation

"Survey respondents indicated that trafficking for the purpose of forced labour and sexual exploita$on is occurring at a high rate... The logging industry received the highest results by survey respondents as a business sector that exposes persons to risks of trafficking."

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Wanted: Your SABL Commissioners

wanted poster showing the three CoI commissioners

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Commissioners hit back at criticisms

By Jacob Pok, Post Courier

THE Prime Minister, his Ministers and all MPs with political privileges cannot comment on any commission of inquiry (CoI) report unless it is officially tabled in parliament and made public. 

That’s the official position of the three commissioners heading the CoI into the Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABLs).

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PM disappointed with SABL report

The National

THE government yesterday slammed the commission of inquiry into the special agriculture business leases (SABL) as disappointing and not in the interest of the nation.

Presenting a statement on the state of the inquiry, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said nearly K15 million and one-and-half years later, the three-men commission had produced only an interim report covering just three of the 16 terms of reference.

He said that was most disappointing.

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MP stresses need to protect land

Kundiawa Gembogl MP, Tobias Kulang, has stressed the need to protect the land and the environment for future generations.

“Land is our security. It is our hope for the future. When the extractive industries have exhausted the mineral, petroleum and the gas wealth on our land, what we will be left with is the land,” Mr Kulang said.

“The point is straight forward- our land is not for sale,” he said.

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Create ways to save land, says Malabag

Unscrupulous foreign corporations and greedy papua new guineans are stealing land, breaking up communities, and depriving them of their sustenance using corrupt officials, lies and violence. The Government must do more to protect both state and customary land. Say NO to land alienation and land registration schemes!

Source: The National, Wednesday 27th March, 2013

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