
Government rushing new mines and laws without knowing costs and benefits

ACT NOW! media release

The government is rushing major new mines without properly understanding the costs and benefits of an export led economy or the possible alternatives.

Community advocacy group ACT NOW! wants the PNG government to commission a proper study of the full costs and benefits of existing mines and other natural resource industries before committing to continue along the same development path.

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Children bear the brunt of abuse epidemic in Papua New Guinea

Report exposes widespread violence that touches the lives of most women, and a 'culture of complicity'

Helen Davidson in The Guardian

Research into Papua New Guinea's epidemic of domestic and sexual violence has found few women or children are unaffected by abuse and that education is the biggest challenge in ending a "culture of complicity".

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Women and the Fight for Peace and Freedom in West Papua

By Rochelle Jones

West Papua – officially under Indonesian rule since 1963 – is located in the Western half of the island of New Guinea – 250km north of Australia. In 2012, West Papua Media conducted interviews with four West Papuan women who are active in the nonviolent movement for freedom. Here, AWID gives some background, and excerpts from the interviews.

Act of No Choice

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The People of PNG must Rise up to face the Evil of Corruption


Wake up Papua New Guineans; we are not living in an imagination paradise world any more. Corruption in this country is real, is serious and is eating deeply into development funds meant for providing the basic government services which the people are praying for every day.

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Court rules fraud in SABL lease

By Charles Moi

A JUDGE has ruled that there was “a case of fraud” when a former government minister wrongfully leased out land under the Special Agricultural and Business Lease.

Justice David Cannings ruled that former Minister for Lands and Physical Planning Lukas Dekena had wrongfully granted a 99-year lease over a 8.51 hectares block of land at Taurama Valley, in the National Capital District, to Ava Mika, Kila Gabutu and Michael John Madi on June 25, 2010.

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Papua New Guinea’s very own Guardian Angels

Rachel Shisei

Government nurses all across Papua New Guinea have been facing devastating hardships while trying to serve the million population of our beautiful country. (Photo: Government nurse serving a patient in a busy clinic). 

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Young leaders rights to demonstrate must be respected

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Help demand justice for communities robbed in huge illegal land grab

Your help is needed now for communities across Papua New Guinea who are still waiting for justice in one of our planets largest illegal land grabs.

Take action:

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SABLs fueling log exports

One-third of PNG log exports - I million cubic metres - coming from disputed and controversial SABL areas...

Land owners not consulted on PNG log exports

ABC Radio Australia

Up to one third of Papua New Guinea's log exports may have been made without the consent from land owners.

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Mining benefits fail to trickle down

Neena Bhandari | IPS

With South-South trade on the rise and growth in emerging economies set to outstrip production in industrialised countries, the international mining sector has been quick to follow global trends.

In recent years, significant mining activity has moved from the developed to the developing world, with the latter’s share of global trade in minerals increasing from less than one-third in 2000 to nearly half in 2010.

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