
Open Letter to the Mining Minister "Broken Promise - Experimental Seabed Mining Petition"

On 24th October 2012, 24,000 people in PNG petitioned the Government of PNG to stop Experimental Seabed Mining in PNG Waters. 

The Mining Minister and received this petition on behalf of the Government of PNG. 

We were verbally promised by the Honorable Mining Minister Byron Chan a response within 14 days!

It has been almost 5 months since, with no official response in relation to the petition!

The petitioners on behalf of the people of Papua New Guinea, deserve an answer now!

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Important to Assess Development Models

The following letter is a timely reminder...

Source: The National


THE prime minister has finally received the interim report of the commission of inquiry (COI) into the special agricultural and business leases (SABL).

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PNGFA Joins in The Verbal Diarrhea Club.

What a load of verbal diarrhea (or some similar sentiment to that) is what comes to mind when reading what Managing Director of the PNG National Forest Authority (Kanawi Pouru) is quoted as having said in the following report in the Post Courier.

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David Cameron's Seabed Escapade Unlikely to Find Pots of Gold

It seems that the world is waking up and making clear its stance clear on Experimental Seabed Mining, indeed one of our neighbours, the Cook Islands who a year ago was all for having their seas raped through this form of mining have recently come out clearly that they do not want seabed mining.

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PNG lease fiasco blamed on incompetent bureaucrats

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister says incompetent bureaucrats have given developers a "free run" by granting a series of controversial leases.

ABC Radio Australia

A Commission of Inquiry's been investigating more than 70 Special Agricultural and Business Leases covering more than five million hectares.

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has received the Commission's interim report which he'll table when Parliament next sits.

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PNG groups support calls for SOPAC to explain corporate ties

Leading civil society groups in Papua New Guinea are supporting calls for SOPAC to come clean on its ties to foreign companies involved in experimental seabed mining. 

SOPAC has been exposed as advocating on behalf of US based Lockhead Martin in the drafting of controversial new experimental seabed mining laws in Fiji.

"Again, we are seeing SOPAC disenfranchising Pacific people and ignoring their voices while at the same time promoting a foreign corporate agenda", says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager with ACT NOW! 

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PM blasts officials over dodgy leases

Source: ABC - Liam Fox

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister has blasted his public service over the granting of controversial leases covering more than 10 per cent of the country.

In recent years more than 70 Special Agricultural and Business Leases, or SABLs, have been granted covering more than five million hectares.

Critics say the leases are a back-door way to clear-fell forests and many have been granted without the permission of traditional owners.

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Pundari gets tough on SABLs

Source: The National

ALL special agricultural business leases (SABL) granted prior to the issuance of an environmental permit are illegal, Minister for Environment and Conservation John Pundari said yesterday.

The minister would not approve any more environmental permits on SABLs until the Commission of Inquiry into the issue is made public and cabinet has determined an appropriate course of action.

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SOPAC’s Challenged to Respond on Role in Controversial New Decree

Source: Island Business News


A verbal warfare is developing between the Pacific Network on Globilization (PANG) and regional organisation SOPAC over its role in the drafting of the controversial new laws on seabed mining.

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ACT NOW! calls on PM to release SABL land grab report

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