
Logging without free prior informed consent from local people

Sepu people question logging activity in their area

Nathan Matbob

The people of the Sepu area along the Ramu River in the Usino-Bundi District of Madang held a meeting with representatives from logging company Madang Timbers and the PNG Forest Authority at the village more than a week ago. Representatives from the Forest Authority however, did not attend on the reason that their forester rep was not available at that time.

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SOPAC mandate claims are disingenuous

Minister’s speech exposes a fundamental flaw in the SOPAC Deepsea Mining Project: It does not have the mandate of the peoples of the Pacific

Pacific Network on Globilization

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PM's Dept release draft ICAC laws for public consultation

The Anti-Corruption Sectretariat in the Prime Minister's Department has released for public consultation a number of documents on the proposed Independent Commission Against Corruption.

The documents (which can be downloaded below) are:

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NGOs urge PNG govt to follow Vanuatu lead on experimental seabed mining

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Eco-Forestry Forum calls for SABL CoI report to be tabled

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PMIZ plans flawed by lack of power and water supplies

Grandeous plans for the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone in Madang, which is meant to house 10 new tuna processing factories, are fatally flawed as the designs do not include a power plant or water supplies. 

This means that although the government is saying the project can now go ahead (see story below) in order to appease the Chinese, the PMIZ is in fact dead in the water.

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SABL Commissioners given ultimatum by PM

PM moves to recoup K15m

By JEFFREY ELAPA, The National

THE commissioners of the special agriculture business leases (SABL) have been gi­ven an ultimatum of 30 days to produce the final report or refund the money approved for the inquiry to the State.

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill told Parliament last Friday that if the 30 days expired without a suitable response, the commissioners would be referred to the appropriate authorities to recover the money and fees paid to them.

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PM appalled over SABL report delay

Post Courier













The National

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AN! supports Trade Minister on agreement with Australia and NZ

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Spot the difference...

I was taken aback (to say the least) after reading this article titled "MCC Spillover at Ramu Mine Site" on PNG Mine Watch and watching the below video titled "Out of sight, Out of Mined' from Oxfam Australia. Althought they are two different companies mining different metals - the state of the rivers and vegetation looks surprisingly simmilar...

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